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Everything posted by Mcgusto82

  1. That's becsuse the new ram wears the next generation uConnect radio. The current DJ wears the same one from 2011
  2. They don't look all that different than the standard DJ 17"s I'd say they probably fit. If that's the case, than the town & country 18s would also fit. Those are good looking.
  3. That depends, are the LEDs already wired for 12v? Or do you need add resistors for that? A 220 resistor should drop 1.5v from your standard 3.3-3.5 LEDs. (If already wired for 12v). Also depends on the color of the LED. Like an LED strip is already set up for 12v, and will bring it down to what it needs you're just adding resistance to adjust your brightness.
  4. Idk what's connected on the middle plug, on your car. If the overhead DVD plays sound thru the FM stations, then it's an FM modulator, not hard wired. I just did a search on eBay " mygig mic ". Got s few hits, has all the required parts, less than 50$, and be done with the dealer.
  5. If you didn't have VR b4 the new radio, then you don't have a built mic. Maybe the dealer is thinking that the new my gig has the mic built in. They are wrong. The nav mygig has Bluetooth built in as opposed as the other screen mygig's. but the mic isn't built in on any mygig's. With the mygig's w/o nav, you need the Bluetooth modele, AND the mic. The mygig w/nav, you only need to add a mic. The mic is sold separately, there's even s kit you can buy online to add VR to the nav mygig.
  6. Behind those panels, there's probably nothing. Behind the empty switches, the same. You'd probably can't use the OEM switches to control anything. You'd need to know what lead does what, and the plugs aren't universal. You know, you can get the factory my gig with nav to fit where your REN radio is already without loosing any functionality. There's lots of empty space behind the dash, with a drill, a dremel and imagination, you can add any swtuch to anywhere on the dash.
  7. There's someone here with 22"s on their DJ. There's room for big tires. I think with the 17"s, you just need to get a similar sized tire, just get it with a more rugged tread pattern.
  8. Yeah. That's what I meant. That's phone voice activation. I'm referring to the other button. That one doesn't do anything I the 4.3. When I upgraded to the 8.4, I realized that.
  9. I've done this on my caravan, not the DJ. I'd suggest you add an inline resistor, as the light would be too bright if you wire it straight to a 12v supply.
  10. I've also got some free oil changes. (4), and ill be using my 3rd in a month or so. My dealer uses blended synthetic, and I think that's what the manual says. We're doing oil change every 6 months. Our DJ is something of a driveway queen. She's at 9k miles, going on 2 years in April/may. Now, my caravan is at 38k miles, I use full synthetic Quaker state. Company pays for it, so why not.
  11. The voice command button works with the 8.4 radio. The 4.3 doesn't do voice command features.
  12. This is great info!👍👍👍👍 It should be pinned at top
  13. Is the hill assist standard in ALL manual models? Or is it an option, or certain trim equipment?
  14. That's becsuse there aren't any. You have to modify them yourself.
  15. Mcgusto82

    AC broken

    There are some hidden fuses behind the pass glovebox. You check those?
  16. 8.4 w/o nav, w/satellite - RB2 8.4 w/nav, w/satellite - RB5 8.4 w/nav w/o satellite -RB6
  17. Put the front end on some jacks, and let the wheels roll. Is the clicking a metal clicking? Cause it could just be the plastic paneling hitting the tires.
  18. The BEST gps tool around is a current smart phone. I prefer android navigation. No need to update, as its all offsite data. It's ALWAYS upto date. BUT you loose cell signal and you're on your own. So I guess it's not really the best... But you can't beat their POI. The OEM nav is not worth the money in MY opinion. But if you like it, go for it. It's not like 5 -10 years ago where you either had in car nav, or had printed mapquest directions. I personally just like the look and function of the larger screen.
  19. What are the codes? Remove the fog lights, does the problem persist? Have your tech re-install b4 going to dealer...
  20. Try disconnecting the battery for 30 minutes. Or, take off the screen. Right behind it, the Bluetooth module sits. Disconnect it. That might reset it.
  21. Back to topic... You need to change the radio module. Cheapest way is second hand. Car-parts.com or ebay. You need the RB5 radio module. Nothing else. Shoot for a 2012 model and you might be able to avoid the theft deterrent feature of the 2013s
  22. 2 ratcheting straps should be fine. One up front, one at the back. I always carry a set in my van. They come in real handy now and then.
  23. Most states in US allow up to 35% tint up front, and 15% of top of windshield to be tinted as dark as you want. However, I've never seen a new car with any dark tint on the driver or front pass glass. I think most manufactures consider it a safety/legal, hazard/liability and just stay away from it. But that of course doesn't stop people from putting 5% all around. Lol.
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