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Journey Member
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  1. I have had my 2012 journey for about 3 months now. I bought it used. From the very beginning i noticed things that didn't seem quite right with it. I took it back to the dealer and they really gave me an attitude saying that there was nothing wrong. I went back home and continued to drive my car but still noticed something was not quite right. Eventually the engine light came on and i took it back to the dealer. They said that number 6 cylinder was miss firing, but all it needed was a computer upgrade. They did the upgrade or so they said. About one week later the engine light came back on again. I took it back and they said number 6 cylinder was miss firing. They went into the motor and said that number 6 cylinder was indeed bad and they would have to fix it and the head would have to be replaced. The car has only 36000 miles on it and i have had problems with it from the beginning. Now i am afraid that it is going to be nothing but trouble. I am considering trading it for something besides a dodge.
  2. I have a 2012 dodge journey and it has never registered full. I goes to about 3/4 full but never full even if i try to top it off at the pump. I hope a fix for this comes out soon. It's frustrating!!!!
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