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Journey Member
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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Well we have had our 2012 R/T now for 1 year. Last week went to the Maritimes put on 5000 kms in a week. I am NOT disappointed with vehicle. During the road trip the fuel mileage was excellent. In the 35mpg range depending on terrain and speed. During the same week I had the opportunity to put 600 kms on a 2011 Ford Explorer. No comparison. Journey had it all over the Ford in comfort, ride, interior noise and fuel economy. We have had 0 issues with our truck since we bought it so reliability seems to be there in spite of some of the postings here to the contrary and ours has 24,000 kms on the clock now. I am extremely happy with the choice we made. Real pleasure to drive.
  2. Got my truck back today good as new . The body shop did an excellent job :)
  3. That sucks. I will be glad when mine is fixed and they where able to make it legal to drive in the interim or I would be in the same boat. I can't believe the wait for parts but thats the result of not warehousing parts with everything going straight to the assembly line.
  4. Yeah! All my parts are in to the body shop. Booked in for Jan 7 and they say it will be about 7 work days to fix. So by mid January this will all be a bad memory. Kind of embarrassing driving around with the red tape the shop put over the smashed tail light to make it legal to drive in the interim.
  5. Don't know the damage price yet. All parts in except new bumper.On backorder coming in from US. Should be in in few days then can get it fixed. The shop says 12 days downtime.
  6. I feel your pain.My R/T looks the same after Friday night when wife backed into outside corner of garage only my bumpers caved in and she caught a bit of the hatch. 6400 kms and needs bodywork!! Aargh.
  7. I don't see where you feel you were taken advantage of as the dealer told you right up front no in dash GPS. As was stated earlier, buy a Garmin. They pretty much all come with Lifetime map updates which is handy as they build new roads all the time. I've had this particular one for 2 years now and have had 4 updates. Also DO NOT rely totally on a gps for directions. Google map it or keep a Rand McNally handy. The GPS is a good tool for driving but you should always have a rough idea of where you're going or you could end up on a logging road in the middle of winter. Most of all enjoy the hell out of driving your R/T
  8. I've had my R/T now since August and have put on a whopping 4500 kms. I really like this vehicle. It is well thought out and has the elbow room that I like. I traded in a Durango with a Hemi and this has just as much juice if not more on the highway. The led lights inside and out are great. I have to disagree with Double07 about the postion of the shift lever. By having the cup holders below the shift you won't spill into the shift lever. Also when I rest my arm on the centre consol I can shift comfortably with a couple of fingers and I am 6 ft. tall. Yes the 6 speed is a little lazy but use the manual mode and colour me gone. The back up camera is a nice touch and I am impressed with how sensitive it is in a low light situation. The fit and finish is excellent for any vehicle and the quiet ride inside is amazing. I think dodge really got their shit together with these newer models. I'm really looking forward to taking this to Florida in March. Just my 2cents worth.
  9. Well had the snows put on yesterday. Surprisingly quiet ride.Tpms works great. Plugged gps in and there is 1km difference between speedo and gps below 80 , 2kms diff above that. Speedo shows faster than GPS speed.
  10. I found a site www.wheelskin.com. that has baby moon caps and such. I have not ordered anything so I can't say what they are like to deal with.
  11. What I don't understand is why anyone would take a chance with one of the most important components in the control of your vehicle by cheaping out on tires. In my opinion there are some things just worth spending a little more on when my ass is on the line. Just sayin.
  12. Happens with all kinds of products not just cars when you compare a market the size of the US to ours. You ever check the price of Motorcycles there to here? Just to mention one. It is what it is! Thats a small price to pay for living here. :rolleyes:
  13. The 44753 rims diffinitely fit the R/T have test fitted the rims and clear caliper by a couple of MM's. I'll have the wheels on by Nov.
  14. I bought the package at Great Canadian Auto Centre. they are a Tirecraft dealer. We went through 5 different rims that where supposed to fit and there is not a lot of clearance even now between the caliper and the rim. Not sure about the programming but the 17.50 includes mounting and balancing as well. I work for another division of the company that owns the auto shop so I got a discount. If anyone lives near Kitchener and wants to call the shop, if you msg me and mention my name to Joe you get the whole deal for $1300 all in.
  15. Well finally got some steel rims that fit. Barely. The breakdown is below. The part number is 44753 for the rims. 225/65r17 Altimax Artic $163.62 Macpeck steel wheel’s $69.96 Ea TPMS Sensor $59.95 Ea OTS $5.84 (Ontario Tire Stewardship) Mount, Balance, programing $17.50 $1267.44 + tax $1432.21
  16. Every one of the rims that the shop tried had the "proper" offset according to the suppliers to fit but where up to 1/4 inch shy of fitting. Its looking like winter alloy wheels for me. Going to 17 was not the trouble as they cleared the rotors but not the calipers. I worry about using spacers as that would make less stud available and is another piece that could cause a problem with balance etc.
  17. Well the shop just tried the 4th set of steel rims for my R/T and no go. I called the dealer and he checked with Chrysler and there are no steel wheels that are available for the R/T. The wheels clear the rotor but not the caliper. So I would be careful ordering online. I had rims, tires and sensors in a deal for under $1000 which I guess now is out the window. I will let you know when we find out what kind of rims will actually fit!!!!! Might even get it done before the snow flies.
  18. Shadow


    Looks good.I like the Ram in the middle. Is it an insert or go over the existing grill. Where did you source this?
  19. With the trouble fitting over the larger calipers and rotors I would be cautious ordering online. Talked to the shop today and he has two sets of 17 inch rims coming from different suppliers. According to Tirerack they have a 16 inch package that would fit and 16's would not even clear the large rotors.The first set of 17s did not have enough offset to clear the calipers. Will post next week when I find out how it went.
  20. So far the shop in the building where I work has tried 3 different sets of steel rims on my R/T. 2 16 inch and 1- 17 inch and all rubbed on the caliper. They have another 17 inch set coming Monday. All where recommended by the suppliers and in the computer as fitting. Good thing we started this process early in the season.
  21. Just google baby moon hub caps. Got quite few hits. When I put my snows on I'm going to put the centre caps with chrome trim rings. Very old school.
  22. Am I missing something. I just bought a 2012 RT with the 19 inch wheels. Whats the rush to downsize? With more and more 19's coming out the aftermarket will respond with more selection and choice same way as when the 17 inch wheels came out. Just sayin.
  23. PIcked up a Black R/T last Tuesday and so far I love it. Very impressed with the fit and finish. Much nicer interior than the 05 Durango I traded on this one.First NEW vehicle I have owned since my 1980 Firebird. This is however my 5th Chrysler product and if it's as good as the others I will be happy. I thought I would miss my Hemi in the truck but this V6 pulls just about as well. One thing I wont miss are the frequent stops for gas with the Durango. Look forward to lurking here.
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