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Everything posted by brisco2365

  1. I find this subject pretty amazing ---- I HAVE THE EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE! back right door --> check after rain storm --> check temperature --- WARM (90+ degrees)...live in Florida probably 1.5 to 2 gallons of water in the door....slowly dripped out holes on bottom this water must get in through some kind of bad seal/design around the window the way I park, wind/rain blows from the back of the vehicle ---- I now back into parking space (see if this affects water in door next storm) Questions: 1. did anybody have their seals checked/replaced AND did it stop the water from getting in the door? 2. cost? 3. I'm worried about rust inside the door --- anybody experience this problem? 4. Even if water drains (as apparently designed)....wouldn't this cause rust inside door?
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