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Everything posted by DodgeCACares

  1. radame, If a defect has been identified, the basic warranty (3/60 in Canada - 3/36 in USA) will certainly be applied to either the repair or replacement of these components. You mentioned KMS so I'd assume you're in Canada, which means your coverage is up to 60,000 kms not 40,000kms. I would bring this to the attention of management at the dealer before you pay. Keep us posted if any additional assistance is required.
  2. Chris1276, I've seen some cases where the door pins were worn and were the cause of the noise. Might be unlikely on your 2012 DJ though considering it's so new. Did you hear the same noises during the warmer months?
  3. Peebee, Cold weather is certainly a factor when electronic issues are present in these cold conditions. Temperatures were close to -30 in southern Ontario so I can image how cold it's been in Quebec. If these issues persist once the vehicle is warm, I would recommend bringing your DJ to the dealer to have it inspected in case there is something else happening.
  4. Although I don't use winter tires myself, I always recommend investing in them. Highly recommended, great point here too! Your winter tires are likely around the same as your deductible so it just makes sense when you look at it that way.
  5. wingit11, Agreed, big improvement! Nothing a little electrical tape can't fix but that doesn't work for everyone, believe me.... Take care,
  6. jojogg, Thank you so much for the update, very happy to hear your Dodge dealer sorted everything out ! Take care, happy holidays !
  7. jojogg, Your pan wouldn't be leaking because of workmanship at the independent unless they knocked it or something along those lines. This sounds like an issue with the gasket which your warranty will very likely cover as it sounds to be a defect. I would get your vehicle to the dealer right away, you could be in hot water if the leak progresses quickly and causes damage. Not something you want to ignore or chance. Keep us posted if you can, cheers!
  8. uttmac, I've never heard of this issue exactly, I did a quick search and found flash updates that address similar concerns with the Uconnect 4.3 system. Have you had a chance to take it to your servicing Dodge dealer for an inspection? Does this happen each time you select the satellite function or is it intermittent? Keep the thread updated if you can when you have more details.
  9. Bubba, I've dealt with a few Customers up in the North West Territories and the Yukon, noisy power steering pump came up often as being problematic. But these vehicles are under extreme low temperatures up there so it's safe to say that the climate is a factor.
  10. tmx218, The 3.6L and 6 speed transmission is a great combination but that shouldn't take away from your vehicle configuration. Keep us updated with the dealer findings if you can.
  11. tmx218, I would suggest comparing it to another DJ on the lot to see if this condition is present in other ones. This would give the dealer an idea of what is happening and if it is characteristic to the transmission. I'm assuming the flash was just a first step towards identifying or determining the issue.
  12. Journey_SeXT, I know what you mean, I'm in Windsor Ont. and it's rare to see the Caravan when traveling through the US too. But I'm sure the Journeys are out there!
  13. Addicted to Dodge Good call! What are the odds of seeing that many? It just goes to show you there are like minded people out there and made a good choice as well. GO JOURNEY SOME MORE !
  14. Jkeaton, We're all here because we're owners of DJs. This is a community to share feedback and stories and offer support, I guess some people don't see it that way and decide to persuade others from a GREAT automobile. Regrettably mass produced vehicles can have manufacturing defects, but is this so different from any other product? I will admit a DJ is more expensive than most consumer products but it's important to recognize the advantages of buying a NEW vehicle. The owner is in control of the maintenance and the factory warranty will take care of the possible surprises that exist from time to time. Not everyone can afford a new vehicle, in which case you are right buyer beware. There are too many variables to simply write off an entire model or brand because of these types of experiences. GO JOURNEY!
  15. MGW, I'm sorry to hear you are having these troubles. I would like to look into this for you, please send me your VIN and a brief history of what's been done and which dealers you've visited. I can't promise anything but I may be able to provide you with some answers.
  16. Journeyman425, Glad to hear! Your son is a lucky young man, phenomenal first car!
  17. I can agree that we are all on this forum to share our stories and offer help and support when possible. I would be happy to look at service history however some information is considered private. It's also very important that our DJs go to Dodge Service Facilities as they are the experts and work on these vehicles everyday, not to mention the overwhelming information resource the dealers have access to.
  18. Debra, Thank you for the update. Sincerely hoping Franklin Dodge will get you back behind the wheel as a happy Customer, literally.
  19. Journeyman425, Thanks, that's essentially what I was saying. I was a proud owner of a 300M also and absolutely loved the car. Went through a lot of car washes and power washed it all the time and never had any leaks at all through the sunroof. Car was perfect top to bottom for all 380,000 kms. Should have held onto it, likely still be driving it today!
  20. Thanks! @gdriley59, please send me a PM with your VIN so I can take a look for you, thank you.
  21. I agree, depending on kilometers of course, the brake system may still be covered under warranty. I would bring this to the attention of your dealer for further review.
  22. Journeyman425, You're absolutely right, the pressure washers aren't considered normal as rain simply doesn't fall with that force. Most dealers do have bays setup with draining systems to allow for this test. I'm down in Windsor, ON and this morning was quite frosty, no water testing outside today!
  23. Ianc747, Good to hear your dealer has found the cause of the leak. You are definitely in good hands over at Team Chrysler, thanks for keeping us posted!
  24. Ianc747, Check the other thread, I left a few details there for you. Welcome to the forum by the way! Good group of people here, not to mention the vast resource of knowledge.
  25. Ianc747, Congrats on your purchases!!!!! (300C is simply awesome) I would certainly avoid high pressure car washes but it doesn't seem to be the problem here. I would recommend working with your dealer and possibly having them keep the vehicle to water test it. Beyond that, I would invite you to private message me with your details (VIN, dealer etc.) and I can see what I can do for you. If you need more posts, check out some other threads and chime in to get your 5. thanks!
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