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Everything posted by DodgeCACares

  1. jkeaton, Regrettably this is not true. The warranty manual reads: "If your vehicle is stuck in a ditch or snow on or adjacent to a public roadway and appears to be undamaged, and the tow facility has access, it will be winched to the nearest road surface. If your vehicle is unable to proceed under its own power and a tow is required once the winch is performed, you will be responsible for paying the service facility for the winch and the tow." I see what you're saying though, there are certainly circumstances that do not apply. I've sent a private message to sexyRTboi to follow up about the service he got and see what we can do. Cheers!
  2. sexyRTboi, This is a good question. rolly basically nailed it on the head, the EVIC uses a long list of factors to determine the DTE and it's very unlikely you will see an identical reading each fill up. You may see a decrease in fuel mileage this time of year based on the cold weather.
  3. This is absolutely right! Although repairs are needed at times, I think it's the way things are dealt with that speaks volumes both of the members here and support from Chrysler.
  4. gzus32, Welcome to the forum !!! Your dealer should certainly be able to rectify the three issues mentioned above. Please feel free to share all of your experiences as we are all here to help.
  5. Windancer, Your quite welcome, thanks again. Cheers !
  6. Hello Debra, Chrysler certainly does not build products to intentionally leak. I apologize that your dealer has been less than informative in this situation. Please check your private messages.
  7. Thank you Windancer, Please check your private messages.
  8. bigtsr, I would tend to agree as this simple test is a good way to determine which components are causing the problem. Basically a process of elimination if you will. Cheers!
  9. Kenny, Welcome to the forum. This is a great resource for Journey owners, we have a lot of great members who are more than helpful. Congrats on the purchase of your Journey!
  10. Keal Vigil, I've not heard of any common issues between models. One thing I would check immediately would be the USB or AUX cable you are using. They have a tendency to fray and become problematic, just a thought.
  11. swilson, Try the link and website below, I'm not sure if this is what you are referring to but would be a great place to start. http://www.mopar.com/dodge/journey/2012/shop/335634/272/4943/
  12. jojogg, Different brands of oil really shouldn't affect engine noise. As FROGBOX mentioned, there could be something very simple causing this and should be brought to the dealer's attention again.
  13. jojogg, Any noise coming from your tires versus your engine would again be drastically different. I would get your vehicle to your servicing Dodge dealer if possible and immediately check the engine oil level. Your engine wouldn't lose considerable power/performance simply by installing steel winter rims. Keep the thread updated if you can.
  14. Journey_SeXT, Sounds like you've gotten the full benefit of that full synthetic oil! That's a good amount of kilometers and MILES haha.
  15. rolly, Keep up the maintenance, you wouldn't believe the amount of people out there that find little to no value in maintaining a vehicle. I would run past the 5000 on the next oil change just to get an idea of how efficient your DJ is along with your driving habits (likely very good). Maybe a fun experiment.
  16. gieves, I would recommend not manipulating your DJ to achieve this. I always say if it's not broken don't fix it, not to mention the overwhelming distraction in low light conditions such as at night. But that's just my two cents.
  17. BrendaBlis, As jkeaton mentioned, the symptoms described sound related to suspension components. I would have to recommend that you bring your DJ to your local Dodge Service Facility as they will be able to pin point the issue very quickly.
  18. Journeyman425, A decent amount of folks in the office are driving DJ's and have reported numbers all over the place so I wasn't able to see a pattern. Just comes down to environmental factors, driver habits etc.
  19. Corey Thurber, Sorry to hear you have been having these issues with your DJ. Have you noticed these concerns since day one when you bought it new? Most of the problems you listed aren't common but certainly need to be addressed. Which dealer are you working with?
  20. rolly, Thanks for sharing this positive feedback. We certainly do have some good dealers in Essex County and surrounding area. I've had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of the staff at almost every one and have been very impressed with their willingness to the put the Customer first and ensure their satisfaction. Take care rolly !
  21. alainbock, Thanks for the update! I would consider this very intermittent based on the frequency of the event. Good call though, keep an eye on things and keep your dealer in the loop. Take care!
  22. Welcome to the forum ! I would suggest taking a look at the link Journeyman425 posted, likely your best option.
  23. hereticj, If you're interested, I'd be happy to review any common issues or similar cases. If you send me a private message with your VIN I can take a look at your warranty history and possibly point you in the right direction.
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