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About trooper

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  1. I believe you are right about the it is a sensor flaw. It has done it 1 more time on Good Friday at a restaurant I have been to with this DJ. Glad for the 3 chirps so we know when it happens and we can lock it with the fob then.
  2. Update: Took it to the dealer today and they found nothing wrong with the Drivers Master Door Switch or the Key Fob. Also advised me about having the 2nd fob in the vehicle or a cell phone left in it. Also told me a ATM nearby can cause problems also. They asked me if it happens again to note the location in case it is near were I have parked and had problems before. I have 5 yrs or 100,000 km warranty on it anyways (extended Warranty). Just a annoyance at this stage. If it keeps up I will return to them. If anybody gets to the bottom of this problem, please let us all know.
  3. I am about to take my 2015 Journey into the dealership for the same thing that has been happening with our vehicle. Its been doing it since new, now more often. It did it today with only myself waking away from the vehicle. My wife wasn't with me, so only 1 Fob near the vehicle. I keep the horn activated, so you know when it does it you have to lock the vehicle via the Fob for security. Do you know which forum member stated they have not had the problem since the dealership changed out the Drivers Door Master Switch.
  4. Has anybody had their Journey not start and had to have it jump started. My 2015 only has 4600 miles on it, (7 months old).Went to start it after 2 days sitting in my driveway and it would not start. Called Roadside Assist, had it jump started and off to the dealership. They charged the battery for 1 hour as per their protocol and it passed. They advised they checked the anti run-down and it was also working. I brought it home turned it off and even left the rear hatch unlocked and only closed it (not completely locking it) All the interior lights turned off including the large one in the rear tailgate after a couple of min's. Its the Limited model and the headlights are set for Auto and the Key fob was not left in the vehicle either which I understand might cause the computer to think I am still in the vehicle and ready to start it again which might cause a battery drain. ????
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