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Everything posted by sersab

  1. Yes, driven by the unforgettable flying canadian Gilles!!!!
  2. Thankyou Sam for the link. Next time i will search before to open a topic... :-)
  3. I get my new Journey just 7 days ago, and this morning I had the same problem. Have you fixed with the update? sergio
  4. Hi everibody from Monza (Italy) My new Journey R/T has 7 days, already 1000 miles having made first trip in south France.
  5. This morning I've switched on my Journey R/T, and the audio (radio, navi, phone) didn't work. I've tried to switch off the engine, and on after few minutes, and everything was ok. Anibody here has had the same experience? Sergio
  6. Hi, I've the same problem with my R/T that I have bought one week ago. I can tell you that I'm Italian, so I have an european version (I don't know if there are differences with US version), I've Entertainment Group I, MyGig, Uconnect and navi. When I asked to my dealer why there wasn't the cable, he told me that with the navi factory equipped the cable is not supported, but I'm not convinced about this answer. Now I'm waiting for a more specific answer from him, he is asking to Dodge Italy. Bye, sergio
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