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About kuhnhunter

  • Birthday 04/10/1946

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    U.S. Great Lakes
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  1. I went to a muffler shop that used Magnaflow clones. It was an extra $150 to use magnaflows. I chose to go the clone route in order to make sure I liked the sound,. The noise going down the road is slightly louder that stock but not enough to be an annoyance. I am happy with the change. I do not intend to remove the resonator up front because I think that will make it drone at highway speeds, JMO
  2. I apologize for your difficulty. If you go back to my original post, towards the bottom of the post box, are two attachments entitled "after.mov" and "before.mov". I think if you download those files you will be able to hear the difference in the two systems. I again apologize that they are upside down but that is not important as the sound still comes through. If you still have problems perhaps I can open a youtube account and post them there or else try to email them to you.
  3. According to my sources the resonator is up front and the mufflers are located at the rear. Not that it really matters. It does sound better now. On my post at the bottom is some attachments. Download the before and after attachments. I have to touch up my hitch with some paint. I keep the rear and top part of the hitch painted black. But I need to get down and shoot some paint from the bottom now that I have seen it with the rear end elevated.
  4. From my research I believe the resonator is up front and the rear units are the mufflers. I am relying on information from seasoned Journey Forum guys who told me so.
  5. For some reason the videos don't play in the gallery. If you look towards the bottom of my post you should see a download section. Download the videos and then you should be able to play them. Unfortunately my videos are upside down but the sound works fine. I transposed them correctly but I can't upload the corrections within this response. (I least I don't know how) The highway sound is not raised significantly. I still hear the radio just fine. Mostly the sound is just a little deeper. It might be my imagination, but I think I sense an increase in performance as well. It might be psychosomatic, but for me perception is reality.
  6. Sorry the videos are upside down, I corrected them but I don't know how to upload the revisions.
  7. I replaced my stock mufflers with Magnaflows and new tips.<br> The stock resonator was left in place.<br> I have before and after videos and photos in my gallery.<br> Here is the stock system sound. <br><br> <br> Here is the magnaflow system<br> after.mov before.mov
  8. At 38,000 miles my 2012 R/T needed brakes rotors and tires. The dealership quoted me $409.36 for the front and $472.64 for the back and then 985.00 four Kumhos. I went to Napa and got their Ultra Premium Rotors and ceramic pads for $363.13. A local tire shop did the installation for $100. From the same tire dealer I purchased four Pirelli Cinturato p7's for $800 out the door. Dealer option = $1867 Private installation = 1263 for a total savings of $604 and I assume better parts in every case. I used to install things myself (long before Youtube by the way), but old age, an artificial hip, and other body issues keep me from doing it these days. So please guys, go easy on us that have to rely on others to do our labor. JMO
  9. At 38,000 miles I just replaced all the brakes and rotors on my 2012 R/T. From these forums I learned that OEM materials were not up to par. I went to NAPA and got their Ultra Premium Rotors and ceramic pads. Napa's database lists two sizes for front and back. There is a 12 diameter rotor and a 13 inch diameter rotor for each wheel, Unfortunate for me, mine had the smaller 12 inch rotors. Should I assume that Dodge made a mid-year upgrade? I bought my 12 in February of 2012. If I had more time I would have explored the possibility of upgrading to the larger size. What is the diameter of these 2014 rotors?? By the way, I had to replace my tires as well. I went from the Kuhmos to the Pirrelli c7's. My salesman told me that the Kuhmos coming on Dodge vehicles are not up to the same standards as their retail tires. He got this info by calling the Kuhmo rep while trying to help another customer.
  10. My license plate flapped when I closed the rear gate. So I drilled some small holes on the bottom side of my license plate and used some self tapping screws. Now the plate is very secure when the rear gate is closed.
  11. I am experiencing this as well in my 2012 Journey R/T It does not seem to happen all the time but I have sensed it occasionally. Is there a TSB on this?
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