I installed my own wiring and hitch. The hitch was a Draw-Tight Class III hitch which replaced the bumper tube, which added a lot more strength to the rear of the vehicle. I wired a Curt 4-way wiring loom under my vehicle, and added a fused wire, plus a electric brake wire from the front of the Journey. I bought a 3" round magnet from Harbor Freight and attached it to a 7-way connector which rides under and in front of the bumper out of sight until needed, then I attach it to the draw-bar and connect my trailer connector. This gives me a 4-way connector if needs and a 7-way for my trailer.
The hitch install was involves as I had to remove the bumper fascia, remove the bumper the bumper tube, and I disconnected the untra-sonic backup warning system from the bumper fascia.
I has a slight problem with the bolt hole on the driver side that went to the frame. I had to adjust the whole in the thicker part so I could get the bolt through. I also had difficulty using my torque wench on the inner most bolts to get stated torque. I got it but is was a chore. So with this installation, my receiver is just below the bottom edge of the fascia and with a plug in it, it is almost out of sight.