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About kered118

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  1. hi,i have a 2009 journey sxt 3.5, i dont like the tranny and the mpg city is sucks like im only getting 10 to 13 mpg but hi-way is 26mpg at 65mph. after the flash do you notice better mpg? thanks
  2. hi, i have heard that you can spray lysol in the intake to kill the mildew but I dont know where to find the the intake thing.thanks
  3. hi, where can I buy stiffer springs and struts? my sxt seems very soft it so unstable on the freeway duty verysoft suspension.thanks
  4. hi, my sxt smells bad when a/c turn on for the first few minutes, the dealer cleaned the filter but it did come back after a month, how would I clean the a/c filter i want to know how to do it. thanks
  5. hi, i have problem installing the rear disc pads anybody can help? thanks
  6. i/m about to change my pads to ceramic, w/c is good brand to buy, bendix,wagner or centric?thanks
  7. for the howling sound in the exhaust is easy to fix only flat screw driver is what you need! crawl under the ca,r locate the heat shield ( at the back before the two exhaust , it's like a tube that cut into half lengthwise) insert the screw driver in the gap between the heatshield and the exhaust tube and widen all the gaps.thats it, folks.
  8. Hi, just want to ask if you change the oil your self will void the warranty since thers no way the dealer could get any information if the car has been regularly oil change ? thanks
  9. mjm48 sent me the tsb, for the look of it I think I can do it my self. I will try to fix it my self this week and I will post the outcome.
  10. I dont think so, I tried to locked the car while I'm inside it didnt alarm. I have the same problem here last time when I pushed the unlocked button the alarm sound and after arround 5 min it stops. the alarm sounds aswell on its own twice since brandnew I dont know whats the cause.
  11. I'm losing my patience now it's been 3 odd months now driving this shyt! why my dealer could not fix the vibrating sound from the exhaust? They have performed TSB for this but no success! I never buy brand you car from dodge anymore I have learned my lesson clear! Bullshyt!
  12. my journey always get 25-29 mpg pure highway drive but city driving is crazy only 13mpg
  13. Hi,is it normal or it means red alert off the dealer we go?
  14. mine, once I got 29.1 mpg. LA to san diego at 65mph cruise control 27.8mpg SXT 3.5v6
  15. they applied tsb for but the noise is still there. i dont know what to do anymore!
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