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Everything posted by stl_hemi

  1. Joy.........I had to Torquecrap tranny's. A 99 7.3PS and a 01 7.3PS. If it wasn't the motor it was the tranny with issues. You guys know what the tranny designation numbers stand for right? 6 is the amout of forward gears . 2 is the strength of the transmission. on a scale of 1-10 Like the 5.9CTD's the auto tranny is 48. 5.7L Hemi is 545
  2. Thanks....Figured it was either 114 or 127.
  3. stl_hemi


    If I came off sounding arragant (sp?) it wan't my intention. She needs all the mpg she can get driving 50miles one way to work and yet be roomy inside. Not the biggest. Not yet anyway.
  4. We run Amsoil in all our cars. Been doing it for over 10 years. In my Ram right now we do 7500 mile oil changes along with the wifes current car. (we each drive between 22,000-26,000 miles a year) And the Journey will get the same at it's 1st oil change along with the Transmission.
  5. Try the MOPAR acessory site. Odd's are that's part of the Chrome package.
  6. Anyone know the Bolt pattern on the Journey wheels? I'd like to buy the wife a set of Dale JR. Wheels like I have on my Ram.
  7. St. Louis, Missouri
  8. stl_hemi


    FWD. She doesn't need AWD. If it snow's THAT much in STL she has no business being on the roads. Besides I can go get her if I have to in my rig. She's a Teacher so she's off all Summer. If we have to though odd's are we'll find one have have it shipped.
  9. stl_hemi


    Wife is looking to replace her tired and used up 99 Alero GLS. I've been promissing her a new car for awhile so this past week we test drove a SXT. Plenty of room for us and all the wifes stuff. So we'll be ordering one in a month or so as soon as summer break get's here. This will be her 1st new car. She's always had demo's or a few year old used cars. Just wanted to say hi is all.
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