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About Elvictre

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  1. Are you sure you dont have my 2009 sxt? lol I had to replace my reservior also. Cracked and leaked like crazy. That was followed by changing the water pump. So be prepared. The water pump is a 7 hour job and the car needs to be retimed.
  2. I replaced my warped Kuhmo's with Pirelli's. The ride is so much better and the tires were actually cheaper then the Kuhmos.
  3. It is a 3.5. I tried oil treatments and fuel system aditives. the lastest was slick 50 and still ticking. Thanks
  4. Hello everyone. I am new to the forum. I have a 2009 Dodge Journey. Although I love this car, I also hate this car. I pretty much stopped dealing with the car dealer after a disaster and use a regular mechanic plus I am past my warrantee. From the beginning this car had a ticking sound. I returned to the dealer and they said it needed a oil change even though they just changed it 2000 miles before that. They actually blamed the last guy for not putting enough oil. After the oil change the ticking seemed quieter but was still there but I did check my level and they put more oil then I should of in the engine. The guy that worked there actually acted like there was no ticking sound until I got into a argument with him and it got load. He kept saying I can’t hear a tick and the thing was clear as day. The next major problem came at 34,000 miles. The car started smoking and I bought it into the dealer. The same guy told me it was the radiator cap, he sold me one and tried to charge me $180 maintence checkup and the car was still smoking. the transfer case was cracked and fluid was leaking on the exhaust, the same guy told me to take it and use it until he can get the part. I refused to take the car back and they took a week to replace the transfer case. When I got the car back the mileage was reset to 0 miles. I don’t know what that had to do with the transfer case but they said they needed a part to retrieve the mileage. After about 2 weeks they got the part in and were able to return the mileage to normal. At this entire time the engine still ticked and they said it needed another oil change ( I change every 3,000 btw). When I got the car back with the mileage back the check engine light came on. They told me it was something else and that it had nothing to do with the work just done. That is when I refused to deal with them anymore. My most recent problem was a water pump leak. At 50,000 miles you should not need a new water pump and in this car the water pump job is 7 hours and over $1,000. I replaced that and now am at my current problem. Wait for it...lol. Here it is. The heat blows cold air in the passenger side, a nice even split down the middle. The air blows hard but does not come out hot. Can anyone tell me what the problem would be and help with the engine tick also I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks Vic
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