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Lawdog1911 last won the day on December 31 2015

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About Lawdog1911

  • Birthday 12/27/1971

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  1. Nope, never abused, and maintained regularly as scheduled. Where can I reach Chrysler?
  2. I don't know if you remember, but last year at 98K miles my engine started knocking, and it got "replaced" under the 100K mile warranty. I don't know if it actually got replaced, or just fixed enough to get by. Needless to say, 30K miles later and the engine blew up again. No warning or lights came on, it just gave out in a huge rattling on the freeway until it turned off. Dealership said its not covered, cause replacement engine is only covered up to the 100K miles. Now I am stuck with car note to a car I cant drive. I might just let it go back on repo. It Sux, engine should last longer than 30K miles. Oil was clean when it broke, but the next day it was milky. Don't know what to do.
  3. Just a year late, but Roger at Emblem Pros made it for me. About $80.
  4. I am tinkering with a Journey tailgate and the racetrack concept. Its still a prototype, but should be ready for Lone Star Mopar Fest in October. I also redid the hood I made a few years back, adding 2012 charger scoops to it.
  5. Six months out and It is still hard. I am still not getting the sleep I need, 3 hours a night at the most. I am still out on workers comp, but the benefits ran out. Apparently it is only for 2 years. I am still disabled as of last months appointment with my surgeon. I was getting by with the workers comp checks, but now I don't have an income at all. I miss my wife so much! The Holidays were the worst! I had her Birthday in October, our anniversary in November, Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday, and the worst one of all and the hardest, was new years eve. I laid by her grave side for hours crying and talking to her on valentines day. I miss her so much still. I don't know what I am gonna do. Well, I am putting it in Gods hands first and foremost. Please keep me in your prayers! Thank You, and God Bless!
  6. I am making a Roadrunner emblem for the center. The standing roadrunner with the helmet and the words "Mopar Cross Road Runner" in a circle around it. I also have "M O P A R" to replace the "D O D G E" across the back of the tailgate between the lights. I know its a silly theme, but that's what I am going with.
  7. I finally got the grill in from the Fiat dealership. It came from Mexico.
  8. I got one ordered, but they are realeasing only 83, and there are 113 back orders on the grille from the Chrysler parts site.
  9. My project is on hold until I can get this grille.
  10. Yes, I found the batch of 30 too, haha. Site looks scetchy
  11. The grills on ebay are for the billet inserts. I haven't seen any for the factory oem grill shells.
  12. Has anyone tried to order from the www.factorychryslerparts.com site? I was ordering the Fiat grille for my Journey ( part 1TX83TZZAB) and the dealership said they couldn't order it and if I ordered it on the site, they would cancel the order. It shouldn't be that hard to order one, it shows shipping to USA then Texas.
  13. Today, after what seems like forever, we are finally laying my wife to rest at her Family cemetery. I still miss her dearly and cannot believe she is gone.
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