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About BadJorney

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  1. I forgot to tell more about this problem: The main point is START WITH JUST PLUG THE JUMPER CABLES, I dont put it in Drive or neutral just open switch and booooommmm start in one second...
  2. I agree with both of you guys, the Journeyman425 has a very good point, I find some similar information online, and I will change this sensor ASP, and I will let you Know what happend, Thanks for the inf. The range sensor is the name? i will look online to find it......
  3. Thank you for the tip, is good to know, but my Journey is very nice its a RT model in black and realy looks great, has 30k miles and just deal with this problem does not make sense, hopely we can find a real solution.... thanks....
  4. This is a very good one for the Journey experts? I Know the Journey has the problem of "not start" I checked online and I find a lot of people with this problem and the dealers they just don't know the answer.... In one normal day My JOURNEY just won't start. (Battery check o.k. at autozone) I just plug jumpers cables and turns on in one second, looks like is just need's a little bit of voltage Works fine for 3 months and one day won't start: l ot of people said: Battery problem: battery checks o.k. and works great for 3 more months Starter problem: I just plug my jumpers cables an cranks perfect, afther this works fine for months. WIN: Wireless ignition something.... again just plug jumper cables and boooom works fine ground connectios? ???? runs in one second with jumpers cables... I hear the dealer changes: Battery,Starters,WIN modules Harness cabless and the people still have the problem.... Any new sugestion will be great...Thanks.
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