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Everything posted by luzmina

  1. Go to youtube and search for transmission replacement on Journey, if no help, try the search for the Dodge Caliber, Dodge Avenger as those cars share parts with the Dodge Journey.
  2. Is better to find a used 2.4 and put it there, but there is a difference between the 2009-2010 and 2011-2018 2.4 in the intake, probably they use a different PCM, so you will need the intake of the 2009 for the swap, I have a 2.4 and I am happy, I just need a transportation no a race car.
  3. Is the fuel pressure OK? Are the injectors working? You can check the injectors voltage to see if they are receiving power with a test light, when cranking the test ligth shoul be flashing (connected it to the 2 injector terminals) I use a LED test light.
  4. Have you try resetting the PCM connectors? take one by one out, clean them with an "electrical contact cleaner spray" and put hem back. Do not forget to disconnect the battery before doing it.
  5. Do you put a OEM sensor? Here is all info for the P0335 P0335.zip
  6. Check the starter relay, you can swap it with other relays for troubleshooting.
  7. My 2013 2.4 no too long ago have a misfire and goes to limp mode, but the code was P0303 (I used WiTech scanner), after I change the injector #3 the problem was fixed.
  8. You can get a used PCM on Ebay and reprogrammed to your VIN, that way you eliminate your doubt about the PCM.
  9. Did you use OEM sensors? Most of the sensors in the Journey are hall effect and no OEM could give you headaches.
  10. If you decide to check the timing belt, here is the infotimingbelt.rar
  11. This all info I found for the codes you having, it may help you. P0172.pdf P0175.pdf
  12. Most of the problems with wiring is at the connectors, they oxidized or the pins get loose connections due to metal fatigue, clean the connectors witlh electrical contact cleaner, it may fix the proble. Once I have a Dodge Caravan that the dashboaard ramdonly dies and fixed it for good resoldering all the crimp wires that goes from the dashboard to the PCM.
  13. The fix in my 2.4 was the intake gasket, read my post here: https://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/12196-p2173-high-airflowvacuum-leak-detected-fixed/
  14. I had the P2173, red lightning bolt and the ESC light 3 years ago, the fix was to change the intake manifold gasket, you can try in yours it may fix the problem and is inexpensive and easy repair.
  15. Try cleaning the ABS connector with an electrical cleaner spray can, always remove the negative cable from the battery, remove the ABS connector module and spray the male and female connector with good amount of cleaner. I use the WD40 contact cleaner brand.
  16. This one can be removed, I put the same on the Brakes section, so people can find it easy
  17. I have the C2200 Anti-Lock Brake Module Internal Failure for a while, the code use to return after 2 weeks of clearing codes, recall was done few years ago and most of the fix is to replace the ABS module, I fixed mine just connecting all the grounds in one single post (see attached picture and recall) It have been one year since the fix and the C2200 has no returned. Recall-1.pdf
  18. I have the C2200 Anti-Lock Brake Module Internal Failure for a while, the code use to return after 2 weeks of clearing codes, recall was done few years ago and most of the fix is to replace the ABS module, I fixed mine just connecting all the grounds in one single post (see attached picture and recall) It have been one year since the fix and the C2200 has no returned. Recall.pdf
  19. The head gasket is below the valve cover (the one in the picture) has holes for the oil and water circulation and have the intake and exhaust valves
  20. Is a 2.4 engine? if Yes, it sound like bad idler pulley or alternator decoupling pulley. Remove the serpentine belt and start the engine, if noise is gone then you know is any of the 2 choices.
  21. Try to clean the AC condenser fins with a pressure washer, make sure there is no debris in the condenser obstructing the air flow to the radiator.
  22. If it goes to 2000 RPM for 2 or 3 seconds is probably OK, if it last more than 30 seconds I will recommend you to change the intake manifold gasket as those engines with the plastic intake tend to leak.
  23. The 12v in sensor 1 is the wire BR/LG and in sensor 2 is the wire BR/WT, I have never experience the problem you have with my 13' 2.4, other that the intake manifold gasket that drove me crazy to figure it out, I spend a lot of money replacing parts that were fixed with a $6 gasket.
  24. You will need a DMM to check if you have 12V at the heater control wire on the oxygen sensors, Are the fuses OK? Are you using OEM oxygen sensors and copper spark plugs?
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