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Everything posted by luzmina

  1. Do you get a new catalytic converter under the Chrysler voluntary recall?
  2. Make sure your AC compressor is working with no noises, if your AC compressor have only one plug is a clutch-less compressor, mine after 120K miles seize and destroy the coupling to the pulley making loud noises (like a broken engine rod) and a bad compressor could stall the engine when idling.
  3. I always advise people, take care of any warning light in your car, thus when a real problem comes you can troubleshoot it easier. The ABS probably set a code when the sensor failed, as mine did when the left side ABS sensor was intermittent, if you do not fix it and other problem show up later you do not know is one is related to the first or else and drive you crazy.
  4. You can try going to a junk yard and look on any open engine for a bolt similar to the one you need.
  5. Replace both thermostat and drain the coolant (use the screw at the bottom of the radiator to drain it) and replace it with new coolant, you can use the one that is compatible with all coolants.
  6. My 2013 one year ago throw an ABS code like "front left ABS sensor failed", I change it for an OEM and no problem till today.
  7. If you ever had the P2173 code see my post here: https://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/12196-p2173-high-airflowvacuum-leak-detected-fixed/?tab=comments#comment-91166
  8. Read the attached pdfs, it may help you. p0300.pdf p0301.pdf p0335.pdf
  9. Check the crank sensor wiring, look for isolation damaged and pinching, if you have the Micropod 2 you can see real time data and that will help you. Do you have any more codes stored on the ECM? Are you using the copper OEM like spark plugs?
  10. Swap the starter relay in the under hood fuse box with other one, they are few of same type there or just put a new one.
  11. They are 2 types, one 2009-2010 and 2011 and later, the 2009-2010 have an air control valve, the others do not use it.
  12. If you have the 2.4 engine, it uses red antifreeze and the most common leak is from the thermostat plastic housing.
  13. Remove the hose from the air filter to Throttle body at the air filter, start the engine and block the opening of the hose with your hands, engine should shut off if you do not have a intake manifold leak, if test pass, I would check the compression of every cylinder, Harbor Freight has a inexpensive kit to do it. I have some nightmare issue that I fixed more that a year ago, it was a small intake manifold leak, but you are no having same codes as mine, see it below P2173
  14. If you have no change the transmission fluid, drop the pan and change it, it may fixed your problem, Once I have a car with 160 000KM that was doing the same and 2 ATF changes fixed the problem, the car lasted 500 000 KM, I junked when the engine snap the timing chain, but transmission still was good.
  15. A engine with 60K is almost new and should be no issue, I have one 2.4 liter 2008 Journey with some strange knocking, I disconnect the serpentine belt and the noise got away, after I replaced the idler pulley the noise disappear. Maybe you got a engine that was run with no oil.
  16. Is no hard to change it, maybe 2 hours, search for a video, is same as the Avenger or other Chrysler with same 2.4 engine, the code has no return after the fix.
  17. My 2.4 liter 2013 with 80K got the P2173 HIGH AIRFLOW/VACUUM LEAK DETECTED (SLOW ACCUMULATION) I ran a smoke test and no leaks from the intake or any hose, I replaced the Throttle body and the code return, I replaced the Mass sensor and the code return, I replaced the Brake booster and calibrated the Throttle body and the code return after 3 weeks, finally I decide to change the intake manifold gasket 2 months ago, so far it looks that is fixed for good, I found the old gasket was leaking between two cylinders thus the reason the smoke test did not work, to any one with this code I suggest to replace the gasket first, is only $6.00. The P2173 will put he car in limp mode and make it undriveable
  18. I have a 4.3 and upgraded last year with this one, S100 C268: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Autoradio-Car-DVD-GPS-NAVI-BT-IPOD-RADIO-FIAT-FREEMONT-LEAP-DODGE-JOURNEY-2012-/171316756727?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27e34640f7 So far is ok but no perfect, I installed a wireless backup camera so I did not have to run any wire, here is the link to the camera: http://www.ebay.com/itm/S986-FIAT-FREEMONT-2012-WIRELESS-CAR-REAR-VIEW-BACKUP-CAMERA-IR-170-/321574278502?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4adf521566 And this is the forum for technical problems with the S100: http://www.roadnav.com/
  19. Try this link: http://starparts.chrysler.com/info/default/K6861161.pdf
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