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xdesign305 last won the day on July 10 2014

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About xdesign305

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    U.S. Southern Atlantic

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  1. I replaced my headlights and fogs a while ago but never had the chance to post them. Here they are. 8k headlights and LED fogs. Its a 2012 DJ. I also replaced all the dome lights, the glovebox and trunk lid lights to LED.
  2. The passenger side has broken 3 times on mine. I also drilled 2 small holes and put a heavy duty tie wrap like someone mentioned above. So far its been 5-6 month and its fine. If it breaks again, just put another tie wrap.
  3. Yes you just pry them off. I would start with the edge closest to the radio.
  4. I will post pictures later on today. The journey is silver. Has the v6 engine. 3rd row for the kids. Future plan is to put HIDs in headlights and foglights. Connect the sub and amp I had on the Pacifica and switch all bulbs to led. I already did the licence plate bulbs.
  5. xdesign305

    New Member

    Traded in my 2005 Chrysler Pacifica for a 2012 Journey SXT. Wife loves it. Cant be anymore excited.
  6. Looks really nice. Has anyone seen the blacktop edition? Looks just like the Rallye but comes with black 19" wheels and the headlights are black instead of chrome.
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