I would like to set up a portable USB hard drive to play movies to the rear screen via the RCA connectors. I have an old AC Ryan Mini2 here that has RCA out, plays most media formats, has USB input and runs of 5v DC which I am considering possibly permanently mounting in the centre console.
So I could power it of a 12v/5v USB adapter from one of the power outlets and I am sure it would play ok. But the problem is the outlet in the centre console is connected directly to the battery and I am worried if the kids don't turn the off media box then the car battery will go flat. And if I use the other outlet under the front screen that is connected to the ACC then obviously the media unit would hard shut down each time the car was turned off, corrupting the hard drive.
Does anyone here have any experience with this sort of thing or any ideas on the best way to set it up?