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Totemus last won the day on April 16 2015

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About Totemus

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    U.S. Great Lakes

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  1. Totemus

    Long live DJ

    Hello everybody. It was a great two years of ride with DJ. A lot has happened in the life and with the car. I've had mixed feelings leaving DJ at the dealership. Great car that can handle almost everything you throw into it, but I'm off to another ride. Thank you folks for keeping the forum live - i referred to the forum for experience and inspiration, even though admittedly haven't contributed enough to the forum. All the best to all DJ owners and see you in this big small world!
  2. Try theretrofitsource.com. there are other reputable companies out there that build hid kits. Buying a reliable kit is better than building your own, imho.
  3. That's how such wheels look: Awesome
  4. After making a research (including this forum members survey), I found this working the best for me: http://www.amazon.com/Sinjimoru-including-Lightning-Charging-Package/dp/B00MLZZ7KA?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage Minimalistic and clean sight. One issue - they use proprietary charging cable, so you have to decide micro USB or lightning, but not all cords will fit into the bracket. The seller replaced my cord for free, though (I'm not affiliated with the seller). Also tried cupholder mounting solution, but switched to the above. http://www.amazon.com/Macally-Adjustable-Automobile-Smartphones-MCUP/dp/B002JTWRN8?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00
  5. Yeah, life is tough. Winter always comes after summer
  6. Wow, that's a lot from JK
  7. Sorry, didn't make any pictures of the process... They replace the original plastic skirts and fit right into the original side holes. You have to mount them on the supplied metal brackets, though.
  8. I was looking to install nerf bars to help my kids get easier into the car. Didn't want DJ to look "truckish". came across those bars. they replace the side plastic cover and install flush. So far so good. Hope they will last at east till I'm out to another car
  9. I was browsing the web and found the resource with workshop manuals, including DJ, and wanted to share with you. Models are sorted in alphabetical order, so scroll down to Journey http://workshop-manuals.com/dodge/ Many pictures and pretty clear guides on many "how to's" Enjoy and happy modding
  10. Always did AVS. Both AVS and WT are great, won't miss if go with any of those. Don't buy no name products to save 20 cents.
  11. Do what you want to your car and let others have their own opinion I've had mine VHT tinted for a year with no issues, BUT I have lower reflectors converted into breaks:turns as well. So in total I have five break lights (2 lower + 2 middle + 1 high). Hope even the oldest dudes can see at least one of them LOL
  12. Now you need a shark fin antenna
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