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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. I didn't have an flickering with mine, but I've heard other have. Who knows....beauty of owning a Journey
  2. I didn't drive the Journey any different than other of my vehicles that needed brake pad changes way earlier. I was amazed at the longevity of the pads.
  3. Yep. 09-2012, brakes were under engineered. After that, over engineered. Lol.
  4. Moved to the correct section. https://www.obd-codes.com/p0303
  5. Moved to the correct section. If you have a pick and pull kind of place, See if they have a Journey you can snag them off of. That way you can see how they are attached, which is by holes in the roof. Otherwise, check ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/363710296655?hash=item54aed2b24f:g:28EAAOSwgWJh-Cit
  6. Scan it for stored codes again. And all have intake runner control valves. Our 09 had oen replaced under warranty. Did these issues start all the sudden?
  7. People can dream.....but unless you have Jay Leno style money laying around, it's not financially worth it.
  8. Havn't owned a Journey since 2016, yet here I am, still a moderator...cause no one else wants it...lmao.
  9. Moved to the correct section. Have you scanned for codesd? Are you getting spark and proper fuel pressure or are you just throwing parts at it and hoping something sticks? Scanned for stored codes?
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