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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=3.5+v6+thermostat+location&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS677US677&oq=3.5+v6+thermostat+location&aqs=chrome..69i57.13936j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=OS39Lcayny2cnM%3A
  2. This might help. http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/8623-wheel-specifications/
  3. I love my hot tub. It's not going anywhere.
  4. Couldn't agree more. Had a boat and a pool. Got rid of them as soon as I could.
  5. Yes. New about a year ago. Warning points awarded. 1 point you get a warning, 2 points, a 7 day ban, 3 points, a 30 day ban, 4 points a permanent ban. Only been used a couple times for a certain person who is no longer here.
  6. jkeaton

    Member Map

    While not the correct section for technical questions such as this, I will answer: The recall applies to Canadian models and certain US models equipped with an engine heater. i.e. cold climate cars. If this is your situation, I would bring this to the attention of your servicing dealer.
  7. Personally I would let the dealer deal with it since you are under warranty.
  8. Without the vehicle in front of me, I cannot comment on if it is safe to drive. Have another dealer or an independent shop perform an inspection for you if you cannot inspect the front suspension components yourself.
  9. jkeaton


    That does not change the basic method shown in the video.
  10. Check the door sticker for max tow rating. IIRC the V6 is 2500 lbs. So, you need to find a boat that is within the allowable weight range for towing. Welcome to the forum.
  11. jkeaton


    Couple of videos on you tube.
  12. We are saying an auxiliary cooler in addition to the factory one.
  13. Sorry about that. If you provided more info, year, radio system, phone type, we could probably help more.
  14. Thanks. All I saw was "anyone know what could cause it?" lol Aftermarket transmission cooler would probably be a good investment.
  15. A little more info would be helpful.
  16. I had a Dodge Caliber rental once with the CVT. All the time I drove it I kept thinking the transmission was slipping. I don't think I could ever get used to that....
  17. Warranty paperwork should state what's covered and not covered.
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