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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. 09-11 have undersized brakes and tend to warp easily. Upgrade to some good quality aftermarket rotors and pads.
  2. Sounds like a clock spring or the switch went bad.
  3. Welcome from a southwestern VA native. You'll get plenty of answers right here.
  4. You are dealing with a Canbus system here. Not a typical automotive electrical system. You will find screwy voltage readings everywhere.
  5. Good luck. Buying a used vehicle is always full of surprises and salesmen will tell you anything to make a sale. Could you describe the issue in more detail? Does it do it idling? While driving? How is the oil level and condition? what engine are we talking about? I understand your frustration but we need more information if we are expected to assist you.
  6. It's more of an annoyance at the choice of mounting methods than anything else to me. It still stayed in place, but if you tug on it, it will come away.
  7. Agreed. Honestly I never knew mine was broke until I read about it here. Checked it, sure enough. That top clip mount broke.
  8. Yep. Mine broke too. I used a flat washer and self tapping screw to secure it. Sometimes you have to use your own resources to make up for poor choice of mounting methods from the factory.
  9. So......now they issue recalls for non-safety related things when we have been lead to believe all along that recalls are only for safety issues. Learn something new every day. Carry on.
  10. From the album: DJ

  11. From the album: DJ

  12. From the album: DJ

  13. From the album: DJ

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