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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. From the album: DJ

  2. Check out the various sections on the forum. Lots of people have done lots of mods. Pick a specific topic and use the search function to find it. Much easier than everyone telling you what they have done to theirs again.
  3. Couldn't agree more. If something already bothers you about it, move on.
  4. Glad everyone is ok. Idiot drivers abound.
  5. Agreed with the responses. Best to ask your dealer. Normally it would not affect any warranty, but if there were some issue, the dealer could always point to modifications and void the warranty.
  6. We have had "free" Sirius for about 4 months now. I think they forgot to turn ours off when they had a free weekend awhile back. Lol
  7. My rear blade is a cheapy from Walmart. Works just fine.
  8. Nice wheels but I wouldn't trust them being that cheap.
  9. I do believe that is indicative of an incompetent dealer more so than parts falling off the vehicle. My first Journey went to 80,000 miles and I never had parts fall off of it. My current one is at 45,000 and no parts have fallen off of it. Not to say they won't, but I don't believe his issue has anything to do with "Dodge quality".
  10. Welcome to the forum Katmont, please provide additional information as requested so we can better assist you.
  11. Never had, never will need or want a nav unit. Therefore, I have no headaches.
  12. Are your overhead lights LED? Have you tried removing the bulb and re-seating it? Looks like a loose connection. Or if a standard bulb, the filament could be loose causing that flicker.
  13. Believe me. Stick with copper core and change every 30k. The 2.4 in our 09 ran like a top for 80,000 miles.
  14. Me too. Had the front struts and isolators replaced about 30,000 miles. Now over 45,000 miles and starting to make the same noise. One of the DJ's interesting quirks. I just turn the awesome 4.3 stereo up and don't worry about it.
  15. Entertains me too. If you wanted a jeep, why not buy a jeep?
  16. Got to keep up the maintenance. I don't know how many mikes 80,000 Kms is, but the 2.4 needs new plugs every 30,000 miles.
  17. I don't think they come off. Just tape around them.
  18. Good luck! Hope it all works out for you. I hear that is going to be a pretty bad storm. Stay safe!
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