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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. Very nice. White is never my color of choice for a vehicle,
  2. Could be. That's pretty powerful. Mine 60. If they flash you, flash them back....
  3. Look at the back of the headlight assemblies. Should be adjustment screws.
  4. Owners manual might mention it if it is equipped with this feature.
  5. Decent reviews on amazon. Just remember, you get what you pay for. The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten.
  6. As stated, if you don't have the phone buttons on the steering wheel, you don't have it.
  7. Like when I do a transmission fluid/filter change, measure what comes out and put back in the same amount.
  8. Fluid capacities should be listed in the owners manual.
  9. Don't know what you mean. Silver bars on the front and back?
  10. ABS recall has been around for a year or so. Check the recall/TSB section.
  11. You should be able to move the caliper a bit as it is designed to move along the slide pins.
  12. Glad you got it fixed and thanks for reporting back.
  13. I would inspect your rear struts, sway bar bushings, muffler mounts, anything that moves.
  14. As stated above, the settings are in the display. They may have had to disconnect the battery which may have reset everything back to factory default. Check your owners manual.
  15. Not sure what you mean by "when drive onto a bumper", but if you are saying you hear a clunk when you drive over a bump it seems it would be more suspension related than brake related.
  16. Read. http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/8623-wheel-specifications/
  17. Because it's a jeep thing....
  18. I've never used that liquid stuff. Now I know I won't experiment with it. Thank you sir!
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