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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. These. 60 w http://www.amazon.com/YITAMOTOR-White-Headlight-Conversion-Bulbs/dp/B017LW2V42?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00
  2. Interesting. Maybe because those are higher power than the ones I got. Regardless, the ones I got are plenty bright for half the cost.
  3. Just the bulb, the fan attached to the bulb and a connector. I don't know what "driver" you are referring to but if it's part of the assembly it will be sealed already. It's not like a ton of water gets to the back of the headlights.
  4. Mine had plugs that matched the factory connector. Don't need to waterproof anything. The bulb is all one unit.
  5. False. LED's work just fine. Take it from people who are actually running them. HID's are another story though.
  6. Nope, but it sounds like a good idea. Those are some cheap, thin plastic wheelwell liners in these things.
  7. Ah, I have no idea then. Completely different systems.
  8. Hopefully someone will answer. I don't mess with this stuff, don't have it anyway. Good luck and welcome to the forum. Also, please state the year of your DJ and what system you have so others may assist you better.
  9. You should always make sure the vehicle you are buying had the options you want before purchase.
  10. I fully understand the logic and I'm sure it does remove lag, I've read about it on other makes and models forums I'm on that have vehicles using drive by wire. The science is sound. Just too much money for me. I can live with a little lag more than I want to spend $300 to do away with it.
  11. If you are the original owner, there is a rust warranty. I think it's like 5 years, unlimited mileage for outer body (painted) sheet metal.
  12. LED's with fans fit fine for both high and low. You don't need a resister.
  13. Your owners manual will describe the operation of the system.
  14. Well if you want universal fit (read: won't look very good) and want to spend more money then they are worth, go for it.
  15. Never heard of them. Post a link to what you are looking at.
  16. Google man.... http://www.sprintbooster.com/
  17. Yes, check in the engine/transmission section.
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