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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. Yet, you put snow tires on anyway....
  2. I don't know man. Maybe try to get a video or something. I have no idea.
  3. OK, help me out here. You looked at the tach and it was below 1000. If the vehicle is in park, it should be below 1000. "the engine revved, but the tach was below 1000", are you saying the tach was not showing the RPM's correctly? As in, the engine was revving but the tack showed below 1000?
  4. I would avoid that car if you are noticing issues before even purchasing. The 3.6L does not have a timing belt.
  5. Welcome to the forum. Be sure to post pics!!
  6. Moving to the correct section. Pulsating brake pedal is indicative of warped rotors. I would follow your servicing dealers advise. You can replace the components yourself for less than the dealer will charge.
  7. Mine did to until the dealer replaced some module, now it keeps time like it should.
  8. Where does it come from and where does it go? Are you referring to the vertical or horizontal one? Not familiar with the diesel, but without knowing what is it connected to, can't help much. Do you need to replace that part?
  9. Probably have to replace all the interior from the back of the middle row.
  10. Don't need to bleed anything when pressing in the piston. Remove the brake fluid reservoir cap to let the pressure off. May need to suction some fluid off the top if it's really full before you start. I use regular brake fluid. Dot 3 or 4 to top off.
  11. I have not noticed a difference between our 09 without 3rd row and our 2013 with 3rd row with the exception of the aforementioned lower storage area. In my case, having a smaller storage area underneath is beneficial as my wife has less space to fill up with all her junk. Lol. With the third row stowed, there is not a noticibke difference in cargo capacity that I have found. Buy it's a nice feature to be able to haul 2more people when required. Tight? Yes. But it can be done without too much discomfort.
  12. Haha. Yes. Lots of one post wonders. They will work on all models. Headlights have not changed. As stated, the light output is terrible. Not worth the money.
  13. I would start by disconnecting the batter for 15 mins or so. Reboot everything. Welcome to the forum.
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