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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=1684
  2. Unless he purchased an extended bumper to bumper warranty. Power train warranty would not cover this.
  3. Should be easy enough to find one. Parts store maybe? Glad they fixed the issue. Thanks for reporting back.
  4. You got your answer. Closing the thread. No problem,
  5. Thank you Steve_T. Tried to find an existing thread cause I know this has been brought up before.
  6. Check the post date. Not sure he's on here anymore. Check out crutchfield.com. They can help you decide based on your application and tastes.
  7. Thanks for reporting back. Glad we could help.
  8. I would say that if the frame is in the way, lifting the engine would be the the best option.
  9. What engine? How many miles? The issue is the electronic throttle body. What does the dealer want $600 for? (Don't know what "Tp" is). Could be bad gas, could be a dirty throttle body. I would start by cleaning the throttle body, disconnecting the battery for 20 mins and see if it clears the problem.
  10. Couple folks have. Check out the lighting section. There are several existing threads on the subject. Cody is the master retrofitter http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/8552-new-aftermarket-headlights/?hl=halos#entry62473 http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/7628-projector-headlights-us-sourced/?hl=halos#entry55223
  11. Open a free account at photobucket, upload your pictures there, copy the "img" link for the picture and paste it here in a post.
  12. What do you mean it flew forward? Enough to take it off the tracks?
  13. If you are referring to the "crosshairs", the earlier Journey's (09-10) has a solid chrome one. I think in 2011 then changed it to the black center. You can check ebay, local junk yards or your dealer to purchase one. IIRC, they are bolt in. Welcome to the forum. 2009-2010: 2011 and up:
  14. While in park or in motion? Is the check engine light on?
  15. I have been reluctant to use that so far.....just something about it just doesn't sound right to me.
  16. http://www.samsmotorsports.com/dodge-parts-accessories?tracking=56ce1d84a0b6a
  17. If you want advice about how to fix your car, remember that you are the eyes and ears of your helpers. So, you need to be a good witness. Here are some dos and donts Do record the year, transmission type, mileage and engine size of your vehicle, and any pertinent history of repairs. Do provide as many details as you can about the problem. Dont ask, does anybody know how to fix a Dodge? dont ask, how do you fix brakes? Vague questions like that are a red flag that the person has no clue about auto repair, so dont be surprised if you get simple answers back. If you show some evidence of your skill set, then those offering advice can better adjust the explanation to your knowledge level. And, there is less risk of walking somebody down a repair pathway that puts them in danger of causing more problems. Dont just say my car wont start. You need to be a better observer. Heres an example. I have a 2013 automatic transmission 3.6L with 50,000 miles that wont start today. Its never had any serious repair and its had no major maintenance before. Last night while I was driving the engine suddenly quit, so I coasted to a stop on the road, a block from my house. Dash lights and headlights stayed on until I turned the key off. That night I couldnt restart it, so I walked home. This morning I stepped into the truck and I turned the key to on. Just after I turn the key to on, I hear the fuel pump motor come on for a couple of seconds. The lights on the dash come on, the headlights work normally. The fuel gauge reads 3/4 full. When I turn the key to start I hear the starter motor engage, and I hear and feel the crankshaft spin. I can see the serpentine belt moving when I try to start the vehicle. But it spins the motor at a faster than normal speed, with an unusually smooth whirring sound and no evidence of ignition. The above history, presented in the kind of smooth and logical way that a mechanic would normally approach the problem, rings familiar bells and makes it much easier for others to help. Unless youre sure, dont start the description with your diagnosis. For example, dont start with the question how do I replace a thermostat Rather, give the problem, the evidence, and only then discuss why you think you need a new thermostat. You might find that the white smoke out your exhaust that you didnt mention is also related to the overheating radiator. Do provide as many clues as you can. for example if the problem only happens in damp or cold weather, mention it. Do consider making a video of the problem. Posting video on Youtube is free, easy, and fun. A short video of your problem can make a huge difference as to how much youll get out of your effort. And youll likely meet a lot of interesting friends along the way. Finally, one more thing. Remember to keep your thread active, right to the point that the problem is solved and answered. Everybody who helps out on this forum wants to see how things ended up. If you ask a question on this forum, you owe those who try to help the courtesy of telling them what the solution was, even if you eventually had it fixed by a pro. Good Luck!
  18. http://www.paulstravelpictures.com/Articles/Dodge-Journey-Common-Problems-Repair-Maintenance-Guides.htm
  19. Why reinvent the wheel when someone has already done a nice write up... http://www.paulstravelpictures.com/Dodge-Journey-Pentastar-V6-Engine-Oil-Change-Guide/
  20. I chose my tires off the discount tire website, but then I actually go there to see them in person before I buy. Discount tire has been very good to me. Probably because I have bought tires from them for all my various vehicles for about 15 years now. They usually give me the tire warranty free or at a heavily discounted rate.
  21. As stated. There is a known issue with front end clunk. A TSB was issued. As with my case, I had a service adviser ride with me and was able to replicate the sound consistently. Taking it to the dealer and complaining of a sound does nothing in and of itself. Getting it up on a lift and looking at things won't fix it. The vehicle must be driven and the issue replicated in the same manner in which you are experiencing it with a service adviser aboard. Otherwise you are wasting your time and theirs.
  22. If they have performed the work per the TSB for front end clunk and it still does it, you have found another issue. Hopefully the dealer can fix it. Stay on them.
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