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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. Your DJ will act like a typical FWD car until slippage is detected. It will then transfer power to the rear wheels. Unfortunately, it is not like a typical 4wd vehicle. You will feel/ hear all kinds of weird things going on as the power train transfers power between front, back left and right. If you think something is wrong, I suggest taking it up with your servicing dealer.
  2. Get the code read. Your car is telling you what's wrong. Post the code here if you need help.
  3. This. Who serviced the vehicle before? Take it back.
  4. In this day and age, if there is no check engine light or code, dealers really can't do much besides charging you $100 and stating "cannot duplicate problem".
  5. Since you started a separate thread on the same subject, your post here will be deleted. No need for two separate discussions on the same subject..
  6. You can go to a site like discount tire and it will list available "+1" or "+2" sizes.
  7. Really the best way to tell.....compare the differences first hand.
  8. jkeaton

    Clean car

    Of course! Also have a cooler bolted to the hood!
  9. There are several threads on the subject already. Use the search function to find them.
  10. You can fish from your deck?
  11. We are all getting to know one another pretty good now, so how about we get a gander of what we look like and our actual names. And no, this won't lead to bromances or group hugs.....(unless you feel the need)
  12. I go by price point. I'm not about to spend @$150 each when I can get the same quality (IMO) for $80. I figure, the next set will be the last set. The OEM Kumhos have lasted to 40k. By the time I get to 80k, we'll be looking to trade anyway.
  13. jkeaton

    Clean car

    I was when we first got it, now I'm like, eh....I got 4 others to wash, and a yard to mow, beer to drink....washing the wifes car is not a priority anymore.....
  14. This is the key to longevity of any tire. Proper inflation, rotations, alignment and don't drive it like a sports car. It's not one.
  15. Looks totaled to me. Not sure how your insurance works in Canada but you should ask your insurance rep that question. Was the other driver cited?
  16. Dayum! What happened? Everyone ok?
  17. jkeaton

    unusual bass

    Just happens to be the same color as the water in the river after the Gold king mine spill....
  18. That only works for recharging the flux capacitor.
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