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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. Yep, there have been documented engine failures reported due to people using the incorrect oil filter on these engines. I think there is a thread on here discussing it, IIRC.
  2. Hell, if you're going to all that trouble, fabricate a shaker hood scoop.
  3. Even doing so, with the variable intake runners on these cars, you will only hear the "whoosh" sound of a short ram/CAI at wide open throttle.
  4. Yes. A "short ram" is just a conical filter on the end of a short piece of tube which places the filter squarely in the engine bay, sucking up nothing but hot air. A true CAI moves the filter outside the engine bay altogether.
  5. What are the codes? Can't help you here without knowing them.
  6. There are some on here who have made their own. Not that difficult if you have done it before. Any gains you "think" you notice are simply the plecebo effect. As stated, the stock air intake is truly cold air already as it takes air from in front of the car at the leading edge of the hood. Installing a short ram (thats what it would end up being) would just suck hot ait from the engine bay, unless you can pipe it outside the engine compartment somehow, but then it would have so many elbows it would negate any benefit.
  7. Personally I think I would look kinda silly putting beefy all terrain tires on a DJ. But whatever floats your boat.
  8. Not a fan of the step bars, but nice color. Welcome aboard!
  9. Not that I am aware of. If you want to be the first, post up some pictures. Personally I don't want to drill holes in the bumper to mount them, and there is only foam behind the front bumper, so nothing to mount to anyway.
  10. Since you already asked that in another thread, this one is closed. Only need to ask a quesiton once. It will be answered.
  11. That about sums it up. ^^
  12. Agreed. Wheel bearings are not part of the powertrain. Double check the warranty book.
  13. I wished I had the 19" wheels until I started doing some tire pricing.....man those tires are expensive!! 17" tires are half of what the 19's cost.
  14. Welcome to the forum. Check out the individual sections for your questions and just enter your question into the "search forum" box.
  15. 35,000 miles out of OEM tires is pretty darn good. I most likely won't be going with Kumho's again when the time comes. Looks like I'll be putting new ones on before this winter. I usually buy whatever is on sale. If the Kumho's are on sale, I'll get them again, if not, I'll get something else. Tires to me are just like the rest of the vehicle. They last as well as you maintain them.
  16. Welcome to the forum. Search around. Plenty of existing threads. Moving to the correct section. This section is for reporting issues with the website.
  17. Welcome to the forum. Good luck. Mine turned on just fine through the screen. Car manufacturers are a funny lot sometimes.
  18. Yep, just best to totally ignore her type. Bye bye little lady. BTW, our 09 SE (4 cylinder, base model) netted us an AMAZING $8200 on trade in (with 86,000 miles on it). Take your cheap bash talk elsewhere. There's a nice facebook group more suited to the whiners and complainers, "Dodge Journey Awareness" group. You should check it out. There's a ton of people just like you on there. Sooooo, K BYE!
  19. jkeaton

    new member

    Welcome aboard!!
  20. Mine had the cargo net, floor mats and a front license plate holder (not needed in NC). Cargo net is just about useless though.
  21. http://2015vehicles.com/dodge/2017-dodge-journey-srt-redesign/
  22. Welcome to the forum! What part of Va?
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