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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. Sorry for your problems. Good luck and keep us informed.
  2. Clunks are normal, unfortunately. If you are very concerned, a visit to the dealer is appropriate. Make sure you make them go for a ride with you so you can actually show them the issue.
  3. If you can find one with a "seasoned" mechanic thats good. Ones around me employee nothing but high school kids.
  4. I was a fat a$$ who smoked two packs of cigs a day and ate at Mcdonalds at least twice a day, sat on my rear at night drinking beer and watching TV. I could not walk up a flight of stairs without breaking a sweat and losing my breath. My doctor gave me a choice one year during my annual physical, (2008 I believe it was), lose weight and get in shape, or go on medication for diabetes, high blood pressure, high colesterol, etc Said once I started on this medication, I would be on it forever. I opted for the other route cause I was sick and tired of being fat and tired........I started by walking every day, slowly adding a bit of jogging as the weight came off, quit smoking and started eating healthier. I lost almost 80 lbs, been smoke free for 7 years now and run at least 2.5 miles 4-5 times a week. I run 5k races once or twice a month. Just turned 51 last December, probably in the best cardio shape of my life. Still struggle with weight....manage to maintain with +/- 5-7 lbs, but man, it's like it takes me a month to lose 5 lbs and a weekend to gain it back.... Sometimes though, it's genetics. If high blood pressure runs in your family, maybe not much you can do about it.
  5. Maybe people in Europe are shorter, they need lower cars, so theres an actual market to support them??
  6. I will pay someone to do it if the coupon is cheap enough, but only if it is a true "automotive" shop. Never a place like jiffy lube.
  7. Thats a good deal. Usually thwe $15.00 oil changes around here end up costing $25 with "shop fees" and environmental/disposal costs...lol
  8. Congrats on the purchase! I'm a happy customer as well.
  9. I bought an extended warranty through carmax. 7 years, 100,000 miles. $100 deductible. Free loaner if needed.Have not used it yet. Reviews are mixed, as with anything, people who complain are the ones expecting everything for free.
  10. Same here...had an 09...upgraded to a 2013....first time ever I have stayed with the same model/manufacturer...can't beat the "bang for the buck" value of theese DJ's.....probably get another when this ones time is up....
  11. Mine clunks too but what I have learned is to keep my foot firmly on the brake and give it a second or two between shifts before I release the brake and hit the gas. It seems, on mine at least, that shifting quickly between park, drive or reverse without my foot in the brake and giving it a second to fully engage causes the clunk. Other vehicles I have do not do this, but I am learning how to adjust my driving style to eliminate these pesky little noises on the DJ. I don't blame the car, I blame myself for thinking every vehicle should behave the same way.
  12. I did not even notice the door map pocket lights until, my wife pointed it out one night. I think it's a very nice touch. Not too bright, not too dim.
  13. Snow = white rain? New to me. Must be a lake effect thing.
  14. $800??? That's a mortgage payment for me. Lol
  15. Probably pretty straight forward. Just gotta remove a lot of crap to get to it. Welcome to the forum. Here's an older thread talking about it. http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/3127-radiator-replacement/
  16. beautiful day yesterday. Did a bit of detailing.
  17. It's all in how you drive and maintain your tires.
  18. I had to turn TC off when I was trying to get up a mountain road in the snow. The system actually cut power off. I was flooring it and the engine would not even rev. I shut it off to be able to get going again.
  19. My sons Tiburon's engine and the entire bay is covered with plastic pieces. You can't even see the ground.
  20. Looks like I can get at least 10,000 more miles out of these. Regular rotations and maintaining proper air pressures (and not driving like Mario Andretti), these tires will last. I have no complaints at all with these tires. Old man Lincoln's head is still covered.
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