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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. Yep, we are all just waiting on pics. Kinda hard to make any comments without seeing the vehicle.
  2. I rotate my own tires as well. Having multiple floor jacks help. I do left rear to left front, left front to right rear, right rear to right front and right front to left rear. Except on my cars with directional tires. Those are just front to back, back to front. I do it every 5000 miles.
  3. I'm in pharma. We have some scales that weigh in kg's, some in lbs. frustrating from a calibration standpoint since all our test weights are in kg. Temp readouts in F and C, depending on what part of the plant I'm in. A 1500 liter batch tank that has a flowmeter that reads in gpm. Lol
  4. Car washes will find a leak even where there is not one. Just imagine taking a high pressure hose and pointing it at some point where a moving window meets weatherstripping....
  5. I used to travel to Olds quite frequently for work (until my company got bought out and they sold the plant there). I always wanted to go in the winter but never got a chance to. They said the temps got to -40 C. I can't begine to imagine what thats like. If it gets below 20 (F) here, I dont go out.
  6. Whats a snowblower??? I buy a throw away snow shovel from lowes every fall. Use it once or twice, or sometimes never at all. When we do get snow, it falls one day, looks nice and pretty the next and is usually gone by the third day. It has to be a very specific set of circmumstances for us to get any sigificant amount all at once. Mostly we get sleet/freezing rain.
  7. I think there may be more to this story. Make them give your car back. It's YOUR car. Then try and duplicate the same thing. Get it on video. They are holding your car for what reason?
  8. Google "tire size calculator". Find one and input your current size and your desired size. Look at the difference in the diameter and width, measure all around your tire and decide.
  9. Another mileage thread??
  10. I have not heard braking hard causing the vehicle to stall. Could be a transmission related issue. If it were me, I would wait till I can duplicate the problem otherwise, as lobitz says, dealer won't help.
  11. Duplicate. Have no idea why when I post from my phone it posts multiple times....
  12. It was almost 80 F (27 C) here yesterday. We wont start getting real cold until late December unless Canada decides to send us another polar vortex....They are predicting a terrible winter in NC this year. 150-200% more ice/snow than last year, so that means maybe 2-3".....the city will completely shut down....
  13. You may have to trim some tabs or something to make them fit.
  14. Yep. Buy a kit and install it. Not much too it. I had HID's on our 09, both low and high beams. Pretty straight forward. 9005 and 9006 bulb. They are all over ebay and amazon. Fogs are a bit difficult because they use such a screwy size bulb.
  15. Welcome to the forum. It's a "CUV", not an SUV...crossover utility vehicle. : )
  16. Mine does this. I just drive it. If it breaks, thats what warranties are for.
  17. This post is 4 years old. User has not been active for a long time,
  18. Pop the plastic cover off at the front mounting point, the bolt is under there. Reinstall is reverse of removal.
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