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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. But then you can't brag your Journey is "tuned"....
  2. These are the ones I got. Rears are two piece so it's easier to access the floor compartments. Similar to weathertech at half the cost. http://www.amazon.com/Novline-13-04-210-Dodge-Journey-Floor/dp/B0077DT46O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1398779367&sr=8-1&keywords=Novline+13.04.210+Dodge+Journey+Floor+Mats+-+Floor+Liners+-+2008-2013+-+Four+%284%29+Piece+Set+-+Black
  3. If the tires are indeed that worn, I would suspect that. Have you had them re-balanced? Once the rubber gets worn off, at some point, it will affect the balancing that was done when they were new.
  4. If the check engine light comes on, the code is stored, even if the light goes back off. I understand what you are saying though, I took our 09 in once after we got a CEL code for some kind of butterfly valve malfunction in the intake. The light went off before I took it in and I got the old "the light needs to be on before we can take it". BS. I drove all the way over here, hook up your machine and scan it. Which the graciously decided to do. And they were able to get the code and fix the problem.
  5. quoted myself, cant delete posts....lol
  6. Exactly. I NEVER pay someone hundreds of dollars for something I can do myself in about 2 hours and thats including beer breaks. Even something I have never done before, I'll figure it out. I'm one of those types that likes to take things apart, figure out how they work and put them back together. B)
  7. Seriously? What dealer are you using that "does not know what this is"? It's the frickin low tire pressure warning! The ESP warning comes on to tell you the ESP is being turned off due to a low pressure reading in one or more of the tires. What kind of idiots are working there? "What it might be" is one or more of your tires are low on pressure. Check the tire pressures.
  8. Do you have emission inspection laws in Brazil? The catalytic converter should be covered under the emissions warranty. Converters rarely "fail" at the age yours is. Is there another dealer you could visit? Sounds like they dont know what they are doing. Did I read that right, they want $2600.00 US to change the converter?
  9. Yes, search for big brake upgrade. It has been done. Edit: http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/4974-successful-big-brake-upgrade-on-2011-crew/
  10. I use blind spot mirrors on all my vehicles. Once you get used to having them on, it's kinda hard to drive a car without them. I just find ones that fit the best without being too large. For the DJ, I believe they are the 2.5" round ones. My eclipse has smaller mirrors so smaller ones are on there. It beats straining my neck to try and turn my head to the blind spot all the time.
  11. I doubt rotors are covered but it's worth a shot. I know, I know, "bumper to bumper" should be what it sounds like it is, but parts considered "wear parts", i.e. brakes, filters, wiper blades, etc. generally are not covered. We had to fight tooth and nail to get the rotors replaced on our 09 at less than 20,000 miles. You're at the end of your warranty period, even less of a chance.
  12. Extended warranty through Dodge does have a $100 deductible. We had one on our 09.
  13. Yes, normal. These engines make noise.
  14. Which would not be covered by warranty BTW.....personally I would not risk it.
  15. 1st car: 1969 Dodge Charger, then.... 1974 Chrysler Cordoba with the rich corinthian leather... 2009 Dodge Journey 2005 Dodge Dakota 1997 Dodge Ram 2013 Dodge Journey I have owned 30+ vehicles. 15 GM, 9 Ford, 6 Chrysler and a couple of Honda's/Hyundai's/Nissan's and a Fiat (way before they owned Chrysler). Currently own 5, Dodge Journey, Chevy Silverado, Hyundai Tiburon, Ford Mustang, Mitsubishi Eclipse. No brand loyalty here...lol
  16. Dont expect overnight when ordering from China....
  17. jkeaton


    Who knows. Only time will tell.
  18. If it aint broke, dont fix it....
  19. Welcome!!!! Lets see pics!!! We like pics!!!!
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