I have an iphone, company supplied. I had a droid before. I must say, it took some getting used to but I enjoy the simplicity of the iphone. No "widgets" to mess around with. Phone starts up from off in about 30 seconds (droid took forever to "boot up"). I dont connect it to the car, but if I do, I just use a cable from the audio jack for music. It does not connect to anything using the USB port in the DJ, won't even charge. I dont text and drive so I have no need for voice activated anything. If someone calls or texts while I'm driving, I ignore it until I get where I'm going.If it's important they will call back. Too much distraction in cars these days. Heck,I hate just trying to change the vent position for rhe HVAC cause I have to press buttons which makes me take my eyes off the road.