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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. lol...mine seems to shift into OD at about 30 mph....around town it drives me nuts that I constantly have to floor it to keep it in a gear that is about close to the desired RPM range for power. I just started shifting manually around town so it would not bug me so much.
  2. I notice that a lot when people post pics of their cars, the "black out" or otherwise blurr the license plate. I dont understand it, hundreds, if not thousands of people see my license plate every day as I'm driving around.
  3. I have an iphone, company supplied. I had a droid before. I must say, it took some getting used to but I enjoy the simplicity of the iphone. No "widgets" to mess around with. Phone starts up from off in about 30 seconds (droid took forever to "boot up"). I dont connect it to the car, but if I do, I just use a cable from the audio jack for music. It does not connect to anything using the USB port in the DJ, won't even charge. I dont text and drive so I have no need for voice activated anything. If someone calls or texts while I'm driving, I ignore it until I get where I'm going.If it's important they will call back. Too much distraction in cars these days. Heck,I hate just trying to change the vent position for rhe HVAC cause I have to press buttons which makes me take my eyes off the road.
  4. There are no speakers in the back, thus no speaker wires in the back.
  5. Google license plate mounted backup camera, there are tons of images to give you an idea. It's just a bar that mounts on top of the plate with the screws that hold the top of the plate to the car.
  6. Check out the link provided. There is a picture of the camera there.
  7. You pressure wash your car? Ouch. Pressure washers are for decks and sidewalks. Not for washing cars.
  8. Come on man.....no links to the item? No install how-to??? Whats up with that???
  9. Welcome to the forum and sorry for your troubles. We loved our 09 DJ so much we traded it in on a 2013. Obsolutely love it.
  10. I doubt the tuning is the "exact same" as the Avenger. Maybe the same engine, but completely different vehicle and tuned differently.
  11. Unfortunately the DJ is not marketed to the "tuner" crowd, even though many of us would like to mod our DJ's. There is not enough market to support the development.
  12. Body has not changed, I believe it shold fit. I would call a dealer parts dept. to double check.
  13. Happy to hear someone else is pleased with the DJ. We absolutely love ours! The only complaint is that bright red paint shows dirt so easily.....I wash it like twice a week...lol
  14. If the grills dont pop out then you have to remove the whole side panel.
  15. I took mine off. Easier to keep paint off areas you dont eant painted that way. I did not disconnect the brake line, just removed the caliper from the spindle and took the pads off.
  16. Is it AWD? If so, I would suspect the CV joint. If not, jack up the rear end and spin the wheel and see if you can pinpoint where it's coming from. Has it always done it or just recently started? Is the noise noticeable inside or outside or both? Have you done any inspection of the wheel/tire/brakes?
  17. jkeaton

    New here

    Welcome LaToya. Start your own thread in the new member area.
  18. You already posted this in another thread. No need to spam the forum.
  19. jkeaton

    New here

    Welcome to the forum!
  20. Sorry, I had to park in the spot normally reserved for sacrificial slaughters.... B)
  21. I used spray on primer and spray on caliper paint.
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