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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. Kuhmo's are just fine on the Journey. Lasting just under 40,000 miles sounds pretty good to me if they were OEM tires. Other's have had to replace them much sooner, others later. It's been stated over and over. Driving style and proper rotation/pressure/balancing has sooo much to do with how long tires last. We are at 15,000 with out OEM Kuhmo's right now. They still have the little nubs on them on the sidewalls. I rotate every 5,000 and check pressures monthly. I could prove myself wrong, but will keep everyone updated on how long I can make these last. Maybe we should start a poll to see the differences in how long folks can make OEM tires last....
  2. Yep. Must be purchased separately. I think it's kinda dumb myself. If I'd known they didnt include them on later models, I would have snatched them off our 09 before trading it. Do a search for various topics on the subject.
  3. Wonder how those will change your ride quality...what size you going from?
  4. Have you had the door wiring recall done? 09's had a recall to replace the entire door wiring harness due to multiple issues with power windows, locks, etc. This is an actual recall, no cost to you.
  5. NOOOO!! Dont take it to the dealer they will charge you to read the code (unless covered by warranty, then OK). You got places like Advance auto or Autozone there that reads codes for free?? Also, the code will not "roll off the computer" once it is set, it stays there and can only be cleared by a code scanner. Unless you disconnect the battery.
  6. I've never had a vehicle that produces water like this one does. Either that or the drains on the DJ are very efficient and not so much on other vehicles I have owned.
  7. I do my own tire rotations. Couple of floor jacks and 30 minutes later I'm done. Only time you will get free tire rotations is if you buy all 4 from a place like Discount tire.
  8. Yeah, they are out there. Search for "2014 Dodge Journey taillights". Pretty much defines it.
  9. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2011-2014-Dodge-Journey-Left-Rear-Inner-Tail-Light-Lamp-OEM-NEW-MOPAR-GENUINE-/321243330162?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A2014%7CMake%3ADodge%7CModel%3AJourney&hash=item4acb983672&vxp=mtr#ht_3771wt_1062 http://www.ebay.com/itm/11-14-Dodge-Journey-REAR-LEFT-SIDE-DRIVERS-SIDE-TAILLIGHT-LAMP-OEM-NEW-MOPAR-/201053033098?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A2014%7CMake%3ADodge%7CModel%3AJourney&hash=item2ecfb1d28a&vxp=mtr#ht_4322wt_1062 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dodge-Journey-Inner-Tail-Light-Left-Rear-OEM-Mopar-68078517AE-New-Part-2011-2014-/131003172204?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A2014%7CMake%3ADodge%7CModel%3AJourney&hash=item1e8065c56c&vxp=mtr#ht_999wt_825
  10. Ebay, Amazon, Dealer, etc. Google is your friend when it comes to finding things.
  11. Sounds like your battery is going/gone. Check all the connections.
  12. My 09 did the same thing and it was that plastic strip.
  13. Internet search. http://carr.com/light-bars/light-wings.html http://www.kchilites.com/ Lights will come with wiring instructions. Light bar will come with mounting instructions.
  14. hmmmm...Unless they are like 3" wide and inflated to 1000 PSI, I call BS on their claim. Tires, but themselves, generally do not contribute to higher or lower mileage, all things being equal. (size, weight, pressure, compound, etc). Just IMO.
  15. The trim level is buried in the vin. The last 6 digits are used to identify a specific (your) vehicle within the broader year/make/model class. It's like a serial number. Specific to YOUR vehicle. No dealer is going to give you $2000 more than it's worth just because you added some stuff to it. Put yourself in a buyers shoes. Would you pay more for it if you were in the market knowing it did not come from the factory that way but the previous owner added the stuff himself and commanded a higher price just because it "looks" like and SE? Owner added mods dont add to the vehicles value for the investment involved. For example, I had a 2005 Dodge Dakota, Laramie package, 4.7L, 4x4, crew cab. I modded the h3ll out of that truck, tuned engine, e-fan, lifted, bigger tires, cat back exhaust, etc. Even so far as to debadge and add R/T emblems to make it look like an R/T model (even though there was no R/T model offered in 05, still looked cool though : ) In the end, it was still a Dodge Dakota, Laramie package, 4.7L 4X4. The (literally thousands of dollars) in mods I made to it meant nothing to the buyer who bought her. Now, if you do make the changes and then sell it yourself, you may convince some uneducated buyer that it is indeed and SE instead of an AVP, but thats up to you. All I'm trying to say is, you can add the SE trim level things to it, but your still stuck with the AVP.
  16. Or, pony up and spend $25-30 and buy yourself a haynes or chiltons manual. Priceless to have the info at your fingertips. First thing I do when I buy a vehicle, get a haynes or chiltons manual. If I need more in depth info, I will search ebay for some FSM's. Paying even $100 for a set of FSM's is well worth it for me. Without a warranty, just going somewhere for advice will cost you that much.
  17. Tw Two choices: 1) Buy the OEM foglight housings and new headlight switch (I assume the things in there would just pop out or unscrew to mount OEM housings), I believe the wiring is already there, they usually run wiring for all options even if not equipped. Install the parts and have the dealer enable them through the PCM. I'm afraid these parts woud be dealer only at this time. Heres a link that says it's a complete kit, same as production. I will leave it up to you to find out the details. It's not a bad price reallyif it includes everything: http://www.mopar.com/part/82212789AB?s=362351&i=2206248&b=dodge 2) Buy some aftermarket fog light kit and wire them in yourself with a separate switch.
  18. You can add your own aftermarket fog lights if your good at that sort of thing (cutting holes, wiring in, etc). If you want OEM,you gotta pay to play. Even if you did manage to get the housings and switch, the dealer will still have to "turn them on" via the starscan tool and charge you for it as well.
  19. Seeing how your car is AVP from factory, adding items to make it appear to be an SE would be considered "modifications" come trade time. The VIN would still state it is an SE and they will base the trade on the original model designation, not the modifications or add-ons done to make it look like another trim level.
  20. Our 09 had terrible headlights, which I converted over to HID for both low and high. I'm quite pleased with the headlights on the 2013. No plans to go to HID's . They are plenty bright enough for me.
  21. That salesman obviously has no idea what he's talking about. I'd tell him he needs to learn more about the cars he's selling.
  22. Not me. I refuse to pay to listen to the radio....
  23. Welcome to the forum! You can have dual exhaust, I'm sure there must be a muffler shop around there somewhere you can have a system put together for your Freemont.
  24. Welcome to the forum!
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