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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. It's probably the strut bushings....common complaint. Search this section. There's a TSB for certain years.
  2. Well it does have to flex. I don't know if there is a hard and fast rule about how much it is allowed to flex, but with enough leverage from a pry bar, I'm sure you can get it to flex a whole bunch. Are you having issues?
  3. 2010 has the 3.5 which uses a timing belt (costly required periodic maintenance) versus timing chain on the 3.6. Also undersized brakes. Not knocking the earlier models (we had an 09 for 4 years before trading on our 2013) But, IMHO, for a couple to a few thousand more you can get a later model (2012 and up) which don't have these known issues.
  4. The DRL's are your high beams operating at a lower voltage. If your high beams work, your DRL's should work. Vehicle has to be in drive for them to come on.
  5. Thats a good place to start. It's not hard to do if you are the kind of person that can look at something long enough to determine a plan of action....
  6. Moved to the correct section as you posted in the forum help and suggestions section which is for reporting issues with the forum, not vehicle specific questions. Who told you that? Hopefully not whoever sold you the vehicle, they will tell you anything to make a sale. You would need to find a donor car because a lot more needs to be changed than just adding the seats. You are talking $$$$$.
  7. Surprised they even let you drive gas powered vehicles in California.....
  8. Check the wheel specifications thread in this section. The answer you are looking for is there.
  9. Yes. Some have. It won’t do anything for you though. It will have to be custom.
  10. Was it doing this before? You need to provide some background info. Moved to the correct section.
  11. I would start by having the charging system and your battery tested, even though they are new.
  12. Welcome! I’m on my second as well.
  13. If you type “dashcam” in the search bar, there are several existing threads.
  14. Logic would dictate since they are underbody lights, you should search for "underbody lights".
  15. Read this thread. http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/9600-84-uconnect-cannot-unlock-maps-fixed-in-6-steps-confirmed/
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