Not sure where the "posting to get counts up" comes from.....anyway.... Automatic transmissions are not something the typical journey owner has the desire to work on or is capable of troubleshooting/diagnosing themselves. They leave it to the professionals. I've been wrenching on cars for the better part of 45 years. I won't touch an automatic transmission. That's something, to me, best left to the professionals. You got a diagnosis from professionals then asked for advise. I can tell you since I've been on this forum for 5-6 years, the knowledge you seek is not going to be found here. Sorry about that. Perhaps in the future. Maybe try dropping the pan and replacing the filters and fluid. See it that helps. I'm quite sure no one has even done that here on this forum that I'm aware of since the system is sealed and dealer/shop serviceable only. Good luck to you.