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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. Soak with PB Blaster. Heat with a torch. Add elbow grease. It will come out.
  2. Pic links are gone thanks to photobucket, but the steps are still there. It's really simple once you look at the FOB. http://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/9473-fob-battery-replacement/
  3. If I still had my 09 I'd gladly crawl under to verify, but alas, its long gone. All I can offer is, yes. You are nuts!! : )
  4. Your link does not work. Have you thought about taking it to the dealer and using your warranty?
  5. No there is not. Doubt the Jeep one will fit, but with a welder and a grinder, anything is possible.
  6. Pull harder. Mine were a PIA to fold. Moved to the correct section. Please read the section descriptions before posting so you post in the correct area of the forum.
  7. Widely reported. Most, if not all do it. We were told "it's normal". Almost 70k later, it still does it sometimes, but I have learned how to adjust my driving habits to minimize it. If you are concerned, take it in. Be sure you can duplicate it.
  8. Our 09 did not have this issue so your statement that that "everybody has the same issues" is false. Also, please read the section descriptions before posting. You posted this in the forum help and suggestions section which is intended for reporting issues with forum site and/or software. Not vehicle specific technical issues. I have moved your thread to the proper section.
  9. Yeah. I agree with all of you however, there is only so much we can do in this format. Adding vehicle information through the user CP is just an option at the present time. Not sure if we could make entering that info mandatory.
  10. Holy run on rant. I can't even begin to understand what you wrote. A little punctuation goes a long way when it comes to getting help.
  11. Probably should take it in for an evaluation.
  12. It explains it in your owners manual how the mileage is determined.
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