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Everything posted by jkeaton

  1. That's would be my next move. Put a meter on it and check the alternator output voltage. Should be around 14 volts with the engine running.
  2. Can't help you if you don't provide answers to questions asked.
  3. Great. There is a link for owners manuals on this site. Or just google it. It's a valuable resource to have.
  4. Welcome. Search around the site for info.
  5. Cause you didn't think to check the pressures first? Lol
  6. Never had a problem. Knock on wood.
  7. FRONT LIGHTING Headlight Low Beam: 9006 Headlight High Beam: 9005 Fog lights: PSX24W (or 2504) Turn Signals: 3757A Parking Light: 3757A Side Marker Front: 168 REAR LIGHTING Tails w/LED: LED Tails w/o LED: 3157 Brakes w/LED: LED Brakes w/o LED: 3157 High Mount Stop Light w/LED & w/o LED: LED Rear Turns w/LED: 7440A Rear Turns w/o LED: 3157 Parking Light: 3757A License Plate: 168 Reverse w/LED: 7440 Reverse w/o LED: 3157 INTERIOR Dome Light: 212-2 Glove Box: 194 Map Light: 578 Cargo Area: 579
  8. Don't know where the H11 comes from, but the low beam is 9006, high beam is 9005 and fog light is PSX24W (also called 2504). Also, post any questions you have in the appropriate sub section. This section is for new member introductions. Welcome to the forum Twitch.
  9. Ebay, amazon, etc. Plenty out there. Should not be a struggle. No conversion kit required. LED's are plug and play.
  10. Twice a year seems more like operator error. Replace the components with quality aftermarket parts, not dealer parts. Will last a lot longer as long as you don't keep driving it like you stole it.
  11. They replaced my radio to stop the clock from running fast. Keep trying to reset the oilchange light. It will eventually work. You are following the directions in the manual, correct?
  12. Agreed. Take it back to whoever replaced those parts and have them do it right.
  13. They will swap. Unbolt the old ones, disconnect the electrical connectors. Install the new ones. It will possibly set off the airbag light when you disconnect them which would mean a trip to the dealer to reset it.
  14. Tie down points for transporting on ships, trains, trucks, etc.
  15. 4 years ago. He's not in here anymore.
  16. Love my 2013. Approaching 60,000 miles. Only thing we've had done is front struts replaced under warranty and new tires. Still on original brakes. No problems.
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