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Journey Member
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Everything posted by madjourneyowner

  1. I bought this journey in may of this year. So far it's been in the shop 8 times. car has a little over 6000 miles on it.All transmission and electrical problems. when you come to a stop it downshifts so hard it feels like you've been rear ended.tranny was pulled the 1st time at 4500 miles and dicovered metal shavings. Dealership said it was fixed. didnt even get out of the parking lot and it was still doing it.tranny was pulled again and at least 20 parts were replaced. and yes it still does it. another problem is at least 4 times my wife was on the highway at about 70 mph and the dam thing just shuts down completely. dies on the hwy. so we've started the lemon law process and got copies of all invoices and find one we didn't know about. a month before we bought it, it was in the shop at the dealership for 2000.00 worth of work on the wiring. come to find out thru a little digging and a friend that works there the dam wiring was chewed by rats on the lot. i'm fed up with this dam car and working on getting it replaced.
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