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boking1965 last won the day on December 31 2013

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About boking1965

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    U.S. Northeast

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  1. I have 2 new DJ's in the driveway and we love them (2012 & 2013). No issues at all. At some put in your life you are going to come across a vehicle which will have some problems and when it does happen, know that it can be fixed. Maybe not in the time frame you like but it will be done. The dealers can only do what they are told to do after so many times of rectifing the problem but you do have the option of taking it to another dealer and then again some may not have that option.
  2. Well your right on the money. There is a 4 letter code ( not the 4 number code for anti-theft) they put with the radio for the 2013 software that does not match the software for the 2012 even though it is a RE2 radio, the software has change for the 2013-2014 DJ's. If this radio had come out of a 2012 DJ or a new virgin radio then it would have worked . Goss Dodge tried everything for 2 hours and could not get it to talk. Now I have to see if LKQ will take it back. I called them yesterday and they did not return my call yet. Might have taken Friday off after Thanksgiving to get a 4 day weekend. We will see. I am just going to leave the radio alone and if anything happen with it then I will upgrade it through Dodge. Brett
  3. Not yet. Friday is the day it goes in. The service guy looked it up and you could order the upgrade and have it install with no problems as long as the componets match or came from the same dj. Sp we will see when friday comes around and I will let everyone know how it turns out.
  4. If you are doing what I think you are going to do or have then yes. But reguardless, black dj's are faster
  5. Mines Faster than yours!!!! B)
  6. Went to the dealer on Tuesday and while I was there to get the transmission updated, I got the code from them. Came home and installed the radio and it works great now after inputing the right code but now I have to take it back and get the new hvac to sync with the computer.
  7. Took the dj in at Goss Dodge in Vermont to have the transmission updated as it was having issues on shifting. For some reason it did not like to down shift and when it did it was to much as the rpms would rev the motor to high and jerk you back in the seat. Now it works and behaves like it should. Good job to Goss Dodge!! Brett
  8. Yup did the same to mine from curt, hitch and wiring harness. Took a couple of hours and works great. My wifes 2013 has the towing package install and the two things I had to buy was the receiver and dodge's wiring harness. Have not installed it yet but soon. The instructions are very easy. Brett
  9. My wifes new 2013. She has no idea I bought it for her!! I will get a better picture later.
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