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Everything posted by sabelo880

  1. Hey guys, please help! I bought my Journey last December. My radio doesn't have a screen, but that's fine for now. My dealer told me that if I wired my own screen I will lose my warranty and stuff. In March my radio just couldn't load CDs. I followed all the instrcutions of pressing "LOAD" # 1-6, but still no luck. Was told I probably hit a pothole and demaged the sensors. They don't have them sensors. I can't seem to have options of changing the radio itself. Please help. I also want to put up a screen for my kids. HELP!!
  2. Hi all! This seems to be a very nice forum to share experiences in driving the Dodge. It is a nice car. I have discovered though that as a frequent traveller, they (the cars) are not similar in all regions, that's fine. I bought my journey in December 2008. Its been a mixed journey. I changed brakes more than twice and I now have a problem with my 6 DVD/CD changer. It can't load. Issue is some sensor in the car. I am receiving no cooperation from the dealer. Otherwise, I joined this forum to see what challenges are faced by Dodge Journey owners worldwide, and its a fascinating read.
  3. I bought my Dodge Journey R/T in December 2008. Since then, I have changed the brake discs and pads three times. It seems the service dealer has no clue on what the real problem is. When travelling over 80km/h in a sloppy place and apply brakes, there is loud shudder in the front wheels. Wnyone who can help?? I don't seem to be enjoying my journey as I should.
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