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About dodgeboykim

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    Canada British Columbia
  1. Seems for me it is only affected by cold down near minus 18/20 Celsius. Today has warmed up to about minus 10 C and it started just fine and ran its warm up cycle and shut off. Restarted with remote and let it warm up some more. Fuel level is about 1/2 tank. Today it seems happy. Thanks for the Welcome to forum.
  2. Just bought a 2010 Journey RT AWD And so far really like it. Has one small problem with the remote start when really cold. I can start it but it only runs for a moment then shuts off. Restart and it does the same thing. Seems I have to enter it and start normally. Run for a minute or so then shut off, Exit and lock doors then I can remote start and allow to warm up. Kind of annoying on a really cold day. Temp is hovering around -18 Celsius. Any one have an idea. DBK
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