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Everything posted by IntenseImage

  1. I liked the Silver Steel and that metallic green the most! All cars look great in black and thats why she wanted black too (with tinted windows as well) and I warned her what is involved --- everything shows: dust, scratches, swirls, etc ... and no more auto car washes ... she said thats fine with her but im glad they couldnt get a black one and we went with silver instead I cant even imagine trying to keep 2 Brilliant Blacks clean!
  2. Yea we would have taken the Safe and Sound if we could have found one with it already. She originally wanted a Black FWD RT but noone could locate one and due to the accident we didnt have time to order -- but I think the compromise of dropping to an SXT but picking up AWD is a good tradeoff!
  3. A little over a week ago my wife was stopped in traffic and an SUV rear ended her, totaling her 07 Sonata. So the search was on for something new That something new was an 09 Journey SXT AWD w/ Convenience Group I and Premium Convenience Group - Bright Silver with Dark Slate interior Was only able to snap this one pic in the garage last night. Will get some more this weekend! And yes, that is an SRT8 Charger next to it in the garage
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