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Kristina Kropat

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  1. Hey everyone. Just wanted to give an update. Dealer found the rubber joint between the driveshaft and the rear all chewed up. So here's hoping that's all it is. Just sucks that I have to order an entire shaft and not just the joint!
  2. OK Thank you! I'm in NY and right now it's single digits, negatives at night. We just got 10" of snow the other day. I'll try cleaning the undercarriage and wheels as best as I can without icing it up and try the brake test. Will let you all know how I make out. Thank you for the insightful and quick replies!
  3. Hey everyone! While doing some Googl'ing I found ya'll . Anyway, this is what I have going on: 2010 sxt awd 6 cyl 6 speed auto 106,xxx miles. Yesterday, the car started jerking to the right at random times and not subtle at all. Kind of unnerving to handle while driving in snow! Turning off the ESC seemed to alleviate it, but not eliminate it. Today I leave for work at now at 2500 rpms there is an awful vibration as if I were traveling over rumble strips. Doesn't happen below 2500 and doesn't happen above. Trans is slow to shift while in the 2500 range. It'll be 5 days before I can get an appointment at a dealer within driving distance. 2 smaller shops checked on it and were dumbfounded. No codes showing for engine or trans. Frustrating, to say the least. Prior to this I had no issues whatsoever with my Journey and was such a pleasure to drive
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