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About wilsonk36

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    U.S. Northeast
  1. I just stumbled on this site and I am so glad that I am not "crazy" as our dealership made me feel. A couple of months ago, my 2011 Journey started showing the no key detected with either fob. It would also start remotely sometimes then wouldn't start when you got in the vehicle. A few times, all the alarms would go off and you had to get out of the vehicle and hit the unlock to get them to go off. I finally took it to the dealership and they couldn't get it to duplicate the problem. Oh, I replaced the battteries in both fobs BEFORE I took it in. They told me that I must have done something to "upset" the vehicles electronics and that it shouldn't do it again. They also stated that no one else has complained of this problem. Well, just today, the problem has repeated itself. The alarms went off and everything. After hitting numerous buttons, getting in and out of the vehicle, etc. I finally got the vehicle to start and REMAIN running. Now whether it will start for me the rest of the day we will have to see.
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