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About tmn

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    Sub-Saharan Africa
  1. I bought a 2013 DJ R/T auto 3 months ago. Within 3 days the UConnect loaded radio malfunctioned. The battery died, had to be towed to the dealer who to my surprise said I was at fault but replaced the radio, saying it ate on the battery power. The new radio could not load navigation data and it couldn't connect to bluetooth anymore; the dealer could not fix it. I took the DJ home. Some weeks later the rear wiper fell off, the dealer said it was wiring problem and fixed it. The DJ then started giving a banging sound when starting to move forward while jerking during gear lever shifting from P to either R or D. The dealer has no solutions. I love the car but it's frustrating. Please help.
  2. I have a DJ 2013 R/T AT bought 3 months ago. Has a radio problem, cannot load navigation data, bluetooth not working. Jerks when gear shifted from P to D. Gives a banging sound when it starts to move forward. Dealer has no answers. Frustrating
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