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Locosiete last won the day on July 23 2024

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About Locosiete

  • Birthday 09/02/1978

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    U.S. Southern Plains
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  1. As mentioned start with those steps. Could be as simple as need to clean battery connections, but odds are that may have killed battery, or the alternator went bad. Start with the easy thing like check connections and then on from there.
  2. I recall a thread awhile ago that was talking about cleaning the ground and upgrading them. Worth checking and cleaning connections
  3. I can only assume the crank position sensor is correct since each time John/Horace said to check that the poster never followed up. My only question is. Does it die instantly as you press horn or with a couple seconds. Also how often are you using your horn? Maybe the car gods are telling you to calm down 🤣🤣🤣
  4. I'm not an expert but pretty sure that would not end well for your electrical system if you tried that
  5. True but most cars won't run unless you have a battery connected even though the alternator is providing enough voltage
  6. I'd try to find a wiring schematic, if it already has power from a relay then you could splice in a toggle switch to the remote connection. Or you could use the remote wire from the stereo to turn on relay so inverter only comes on with stereo so never have to worry about turning it off and draining your battery
  7. Well funny turn of events this year. I already have remote start from my aftermarket alarm but never use it, or even remembered i had it lol, but this last winter we had a couple days it dipped into freezing. As we were walking to the car from the movie theater one night i remembered i had it. Needless to say it was nice to get into a toasty warm car from that cold. Since then this summer i have used it allot more. I set it to max AC before i turn the car off. That way i can remote start it before we leave the store or whatever and car is nice and cool when I get in it. This summer was pretty toasty so definitely appreciate it more. My aftermarket alarm has up to 3000 ft range as long if there isn't too many obstacles. I usually only use it when I'm within a couple hundred feet max. I feel like going that far you might as well do the alignment yourself. Granted a shop with a computer will can be much more accurate but i get the feeling you're not the type of guy that would just kind of do right lol I'm no alignment expert by any means, i myself only recently started doing it on my cadillac since nobody wants to touch the alignment since its a modified suspension on air bags. It's not a perfect alignment but it works good enough for what i need.
  8. If I had to guess it has a bad ground wire or positive. If there is corrosion then it's not getting the full current. Think of electricity like water. If you clog up the end of a garden hose some water may come out but not enough to fill the container you need. I'd recommend investing in a multi meter. Even a cheap one can tell you allot, harbor freight sells one for $7.
  9. The brake pedal is not looking up, the brake booster doesn't have any pressure to assist you pushing the pedal. You only need to push the pedal in a hair. Hold the push button in and pressure hard on brake pedal. Again you only have to push it in a hair and as long as your battery is good it will start like normal and the pedal will almost instantly feel normal. Mine does this once in awhile. I'm sure there is probably a fix for it but it's never been a problem for me As far as a fix could be as easy as replacing any cracked vacuum lines or flushing brake fluid
  10. I had previously installed a backup camera in-between the license plate lights. Worked fine for backing up but rather see behind me in general. I tucked the wire between the Headliner and door seal and ran it down the a-pillar. Hardest part was trying to fish the wire in the rubber grommet at the rear gate. At the end made a small hole at base of grommet and wire is outside the rubber sleeve I should add the new camera had different plug so had to run wire again. Just taped new end to old and used it to fish it threw
  11. Never really felt like the rear window had great visibility and then after adding a small sound system it reduced the view slightly more. Since i have a small obstruction blocking my view out the rear window thought why not remove the rear wiper and put in a camera. Process was pretty easy for the most part. Removed the 2 screws and popped the clips out. By no surprise the rear wiper motor screws holding it together were loose from a small vibration i have 😆 😅 😂 Used cut the rear wiper grommet out for camera and mounted it upside down to reduce angle of camera. While not a perfect solution it does allow me to see much better when backing up since rear view mirror is not very helpful anymore 😆 😅 😀 😄
  12. For me the trick was turning off all heating or air before turning off the car. Not sure why but if i keft it on when car was shut off it would have a mind of it's own. But to be fair mine has a slight vibration coming from the rear that may have damaged something 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
  13. Mine had an issue where the light in glove box wasn't turning off. Glued a quarter to the door to add a hair more to push in plunger and that helped turn off the light. Used my phone camera to record a video, placed in glove box and let it record a video for a couple minutes. Checked video and sure enough light stayed on even though dash and everything else was off
  14. That's not true, in 2 years they ask another question 😆 😂 🤣 😅 😄
  15. I would definitely start with battery connections and then the battery. A bad ground connection will create allot of gremlins. And with the push ignition it will seem like it has power but it really doesn't enough. If you have a multi meter see how many volts it has.
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