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Everything posted by Locosiete

  1. When we decided to move to Texas now almost 2 years ago I said my ONLY requirement is a 2 car garage, doesn't have to be huge but big enough I can park the caddy and 1 other. The caddy is 18.5 feet so needless to say it fits snug in my garage. Not allotment of room for error when parking it. That said the garage is mine so the dodge and caddy park inside the garage. Luckily the wife agrees since have too much invested in them.
  2. Not saying you should but.... 20" tires are usually easier and cheaper compared to 19" tires. At least what from what I have found. Might be a good way to get the misses on-board with some new wheels lol
  3. Some are canbus compatible. Dodge uses a canbus system that's why they Flicker. Adding an adapter like that will fix it
  4. The canbus system is the problem. You have to add an adapter to prevent that. It runs in-line otherwise you have to buy ones that are for a canbus system Something like this
  5. Progress is coming along. Unfortunately only got to go around the block a few times on those wheels after getting them back from power coating. They were older wheel and spokes were loose. I was hoping I could use them for the summer but they were so loose it felt real sketchy at 30 mph and didn't want to find what it was like on the highway. So replaced with a new set of wheels. Should have done that from the beginning but was trying not to spend money which cost me more in the long run.
  6. It's funny how during winter months 45°f feels so good by comparison. Unless your in Texas. Then they act like it's a blizzard lol. Had more the one person look at me like I had a horn growing from my forehead cause I was wearing shorts and t-shirt when it was mid 40s
  7. Backside looks like only half the pad is making contact. I don't know if that is normal but if it is that is a huge waste of unused contact patch. Also not sure if it's the lighting or dust but looks like some stress cracks.
  8. My 2013 has just over 80k and brakes look great. However the rotors are a another story. Slightly warped and grooved. Nothing to warrant a replacement but it's there and felt under heavy braking
  9. Most common mistake people do is start with the worst case scenario. Start small then work up frim there. Otherwise you'll end up replacing the engine each time the air filter gets clogged. The smallest things sometimes cause the biggest problems.
  10. I'd also recommend checking the clamps first. Sometimes just a half turn is all you need to do to seal it up. Not saying tighten that bad boy until a vain pops cause that can create leaks too. Otherwise worst case if the leak is not bad wait until a warmer day that is not in the negative temperatures. Just make sure to keep an eye on your coolant level and keeps some rags and plastic bags in case it worsen.
  11. Yes plan on covering it just not certain how. Thinking of something like a door card on an order vehicle. Hmmm.... But that is further down my list, right now I want to jump into the caddy and start redoing that air ride system.
  12. Lol ya air horns could be an option ? ? ? Putting the factory side panels could go back in but it is super tight next to the box. I initially had the drivers side panal in when I started re-doing the system and after removing it to re-run the lines I decided to leave them off. Down the road when I need to replace struts It will save allot of work. Just don't want to risk ripping out any wires each time they are removed. Not to mention I don't know if I could really pull off the factory look now in the interior. The box was built in the car and that will be a major pain to take that out. Needless to say I have no plans of removing it ???
  13. Ok now I am done for awhile. At least I keep telling myself that lol
  14. Lol ya not trying to do the whole fast like hydraulics. At that point you have to start reinforcing things to prevent things bending or tearing. That creates a whole can of worms I don't want to mess with.
  15. Gonna redo black hose with some aluminum but for now it is done ? ? ? Getting cold-ish here and for now I want to enjoy it. The aluminum tubing is purely cosmetic. But I think it's an improvement over before
  16. The caddy is getting a new air ride setup that moves more air. Took dodge for test drive last night. Everything is hooked up, just need to clean up connection but.. she moves all better. Not lightning fast but it goes up and down allot faster.
  17. Finally got the caddy home. Now time to take out the air manifold so I can put into the dodge so I can finish the dodge so I can start on the caddy.
  18. I decided since it would be a nightmare to replace in the future I left the rear panels off. Granted I have an item or 2 back there to "cover" it but figured why create more work down the road since it doesn't serve a purpose anymore for me.
  19. Definitely not the right way but Definitely SOO much easier this way.
  20. Definitely not my source of income, debt for sure but not income ? ? ? ?
  21. Need to redo some paint but I think it matches ok
  22. I didn't even notice my foot good eye! ? ? ? My present to y'all from TX is warm Xmas ? Happy holidays to everyone
  23. The cold is 90% of why we moved to Texas. The older I got the worse the winters in Washington felt. But yes a few days of cold weather here in Texas is allot easier to deal with then 4-5 months
  24. Well have dash mostly done. Waiting on new voltage meter. Otherwise not too bad
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