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Everything posted by Locosiete

  1. While working on my DJ this past weekend I think either the pump or a hose has a small leak. I thought it was engine oil but now I am not too sure. It's coming from that area so has me scratching my head. It's been like that for years and I don't really go through any fluid so that makes it that much more confusing. Guess I could give it a good blast with brake cleaner and watch to see if I can narrow it down. I REALLY don't want to have to replace those parts. That for me would be a job for... SOMEONE ELSE!! ? ? ? On what I can only call dumb luck, when I changed my wheels to aftermarket i also change out the 2 piece lugnuts. The 2 piece didn't feel like they fit right in the holes and the factory tire iron didn't fit at all. So I replaced them all with standard lugnuts I had laying around and I WAS planning on replacing them with a splined tuner nuts since the socket has a thinner wall compared to the 19mm deep impact socket I use. The impact socket just barley fits. Well that was about 7 years ago and I still use the standard lug nuts, since they are not visible under the cover on the wheel I don't know that I ever will swap them. Plus the standard lug nuts I feel are less likely to fail as long as they don't rust on the bolt compared to other style lugnuts.
  2. It will take some trial and error but that is something I knew would happen since I don't know anyone else that has done a journey i can learn from that that alreadyhad to deal with this. I know they are out there but I don't know them lol. Replacement bag should arrive Friday and then back at it ? ? ?
  3. Got 3 years out of them so I guess I can't complain too much. I'm just curious if they were rubbing before I installed the adjustable rear arm or after once the alignment was redone and camber was adjusted. Or it always has rubbed. May need to use a "finesse" hammer and "massage" it lol. I'm just not to confident the metal is thick enough to take a whack that will move it or just end up with a hole that need to be repaired. Also thought maybe I can apply a greese of some sort but would need to find something that won't ruin the rubber. Hmmm...
  4. I mean it's only illegal if you get caught lmao ? ? ? ? ? ?
  5. Well got started this weekend and didn't get as much as I wanted accomplished. Found rear passenger had been rubbing and rather then putting it back on and replaced it in the near future just ordered a replacement one. So needless to say that puts a slight delay in plan. The other delay is waiting on my Cadillac to finish getting the seats redone. Which is a good since this leave me extra room in garage while it being done but bad cause I am using the air manifold from that car to put in my dodge so i can then upgrade the Cadillac. I'm upgrading my Cadillac to 1/2" lines since the 3/8" setup works but not as quickly as I want, Cadillac is not a skinny girl ? ? ? ? Side note if anyone needs to replace front struts I found a bungee cord works perfect to hold brake assembly in place. I'm sure others know this but thought I'd share while I was at it. The jack is just there to keep it from sagging too much. Car is currently on 4 jackstands. Other hiccup was I need to either trim the spring perch in rear or add a spacer. Rather the possibly ruining the rear struts went with a 1/2" spacer. So it won't sit as low now by 1/2" but I don't think it will be too noticeable when it's parked and layer down. Without the spacer the fittings would hit the perch and break from the weight. Man that took way too long to make by hand using a pipe cutter. One of those times I wish I has a bandsaw!
  6. There is several threads that talk about this. That should give you all the info you need.
  7. Rather own a good running car then a pretty brick lol But in all honesty I've never been the type to want the best just different then others is all. Plus if I can do the work myself I would rather be proud of something I made with my own hands vs something I bought already done. That all said the Journey gets no love from people when I pull up until I either raise or lower it or crank up the stereo. Gone to more then 1 car show and they tried turning me away saying sorry spectators park over there.
  8. Here is a couple videos I originally made about this. It was on this forum but was removed by accident Part 1 and part 2 https://youtu.be/mt2TkpJbZAQ?si=q0D_x7_0D2Ve5x9b
  9. So anyone who remembers me recalls I put air ride on my Journey a couple years ago. It was a simple front and back setup with 1/4 lines. Well fast forward a couple years and I have decided to update it to individual corners running 3/8 lines. So it will move a bit faster and give me more control due to weight displacement being able to adjust each corner independently. This weekend plan on running the lines and replacing the fittings. From there need to start planning where to place tank and compressor. Think this time i will hide it under a raised floor. So... here I go. I will post as I go.
  10. Awhile ago I watched a video on how to replace the power steering pump and all i can say is wow. That engineer must have been pretty mad at the world when they designed that. Last year I had to replace a broken lug nut on my son's car. It broke just right where you couldn't get any socket to hold or fit. I ended up just getting a good drill bit and drilling out center of the lug. Leaving enough meat on it that I could just snap it off with some pliers and then I just replaced the lug and lug nut. This way it didn't damage the wheel. Luckily this was all done in my garage and not in the middle of who knows where due to a flat tire. Which brings up a good point of not buying cheap lug nuts off ebay or Amazon. It's worth the extra $5-10 to not have to deal with this.
  11. Honestly I can't really say I have had any major mechanical issues with mine, 99% issues I have had were due to my error. The only issues I have had is the awd stops working while while driving on very icy or snowy conditions which going forward doubt that will be a problem, love TX. The other is a small and slow oil leak from side of engine around the crank pulley. So under heavy acceleration I get burned rubber smell, my guess is oil on the belt causing it to slip. Otherwise I have a 2013 SXT that I bought in late 2014 that had about 35,000 miles on it at the time of purchase and now fast forward to today and now it's at about 80,000 so I think I am one of the luckier owners not having any major issues.
  12. Not to ever critique someone but 3 is such a odd #. You really should get a 4th. A much more even and fun # ? ? ? ? ?
  13. What really surprised me is when they first quit offering it with the V6, and never offered a SRT option. They made a SRT in almost every other vehicle so kinda surprised they never made a Journey with it
  14. I know mine is definitely an issue currently but I only hear it when I turn the wheel
  15. Honestly I always say I want a sunroof when I buy a car but use it maybe 2 or 3 times a year. And if my car doesn't have it complain I wish it did lol Ya I don't typically drive with it all the way up. 1) it's hard to drive when your eyes are vibrating ? ? and 2) also system can only support full tilt for so long. I typically will turn it down at red lights out of respect since not everyone want to feel what I am playing lol But yes going from my stock wheels to the 20s it feels allot more planted around corners. I imagine 19s would feel the same
  16. Lol it makes a little noise, I did a personal best at a bass meet and hit 151.17 dbs.
  17. If your hearing it when accelerating and braking I would check the calipers. Also check wheel bearings and confirm wheels are torqued down. Odds are it's something small missed. This weekend u did the tie rods on wife's car got it all together and she said what's this for. Even after I thought I checked everything I didn't torque down the castle nut. Luckily she found the cotter pin otherwise that could have been bad since I didn't tighten that.
  18. From what I found the most common issue is due from the casting process from factory and not all the sediment is flushed out before it's assembled at the factory or people that go through water or extreme off road. For my daily I don't know that I would really have any benefit of doing it
  19. Hey it gets cold here. Just the other morning it was 63° outside lol Ya there was a mixup and I was banned by accident. I finally got around to asking why and it was discovered I was removed in error. Otherwise how you been. Miss anything fun.
  20. Filter in the coolant line makes sense but I can see someone installing it and NEVER checking it ever and it then creates a clogg after years of neglect and then possibly creating another point of failure.
  21. The kid in me wants to add remote start but realistically I would never use it. ? ? ?
  22. Did you also do sway bar bushing? I would try moving the car manually pushing on it up and down on the radiator support and then also on rear bumper to try and recreate while it is parked, it's possible sounds is coming from somewhere else then the front. It xould be motor or transmission mount. One way to test that ne is with hood open hold down brake all the way and give it some gas while running in gear. You don't need to floor it just enough to put a load on it.
  23. Been awhile since I posted and thought I would share my new "Stock" system. Not exactly a bose system but it works, I plan on upgrading the door speakers soon. But for now this works. Told my wife it's now a sports car being a 2 seater ? ? ? ?
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